
Why shouldn't we have universal health insurance?

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here are some facts:

-There are nearly 50 million Americans without health insurance

-18,000 Americans will die this year simply because they're uninsured

-Hillary Clinton became the second largest recipient in the Senate of health care industry contributions.$100 million spent to defeat Hillary's health care plan.

-The United States is ranked #37 as a health system by the World Health Organization.

-The CEO of health insurance comapnies win beteween 3.2 -22.2 million dollars

-Medicare Part D plan will hand over $800 billion of our tax dollars to the drug and health insurance industry.

-Canadians live three years longer than we do.

-Drugs in England only cost $10

- A baby born in El Salvador has a better chance of surviving than a baby born in Detroit.

-In the U.S., health care costs run nearly $7,000 per person. But in Cuba, they spend around $251 per person

-what happended to help our fellow neighber, big insurance companies brain wash people....know tell me why shouldt we have universal health insurance?

would you rather die then to pay a couple of dollars more in taxes? what if you were the one dieing should we just let you die because you dont have insurance?




  1. It's all about the KIND of health care we get.  Watch this video on Youtube.  I lived in China for awhile, where they have socialized medicine.  I have seen this first hand myself.

  2. Canadians have universal health care...and a 17 percent (I believe) sales tax to pay for it.  They also have an average wait time of 18 hours to see the doc for an emergency.

    Do you want that?

    On top of all of that, it is Middle America who would be paying for it for the poor and the rich.  The Rich pay for private health care and get better service.  The poor can't afford it.

    Every time a plan is put in place designed to "help" Middle America, it back fires and hurts them worse.

  3. Canadians live longer than we do because they're waiting around to get surgery.

    Your vision is very skewed and so are the numbers.  Do you really want to know why the government shouldn't run our healthcare?....look at Medicare.

    France went from one of the world innovators of medicine to...not so much.  And, it's not a 'couple dollars more' in taxes.  The government does such a poor job with the taxes that they get do you really want to give them more?  

    We don't need universal health care we just need education and you can look up and down Yahoo answers at least once out of every three days (today being one of them) at some young girl saying "I'm pregnant how do I get insurance."  That's like calling Allstate when your house is on fire.  Just get insurance and it'll be cheaper then having the government run it and s***w it up.  

    Oh, and PS I would never go to Cuba for an operation...would you?  

    Why do you think so many people come to the US to study medicine...because the US is world class.  No system is perfect, but altering the one we have is better then downgrading it to a gov't run system.

  4. I am a responsible member of society. I have a job. I work hard to provide things for my family. I pay my taxes. I refuse to pay for lazy useless members of society who think they are entitled to everything because they breath the same air I do. Get a job then you'll have insurance. Cant find a job? Go to school and try again, Beside even McD's offers health insurance. Plain and simple hard work and perseverance are rewarded, laziness should be penalized.

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