
Why shouldnt I start smoking pot again? Best answer goes to the person that makes the most sense to me?

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I mean, I can still manage my life, and it takes away the pain i feel everyday. dont tell me because its illegal or because its bad for your lungs. I just dont understand why I shouldnt.




  1. i've had two previous girlfriends who smoked pot loads as teenagers. both of them had the worse short term memory i've ever come across. they both put it down to the pot. not a problem you might think, but you try living with someone that repeats the same conversation day after day, it does your head in and leads to the old 'i told you i was going out etc etc ' arguments. i broke up with both of them, not cos' of the pot but the effects it had on people close to them.

  2. Because if you did, I'd tell your dad =)

  3. Save the money

    Buy a Playstation.

  4. Think of how much money you'll be saving. Not only is weed expensive, but so is munchy food.

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