
Why shouldnt figure skaters run?

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i mean like go running, on tredmills that kind of running




  1. Where did you hear that? It's great for figure skaters to run and get exercise on a treadmill. It helps you get in shape so you won't get tired as easily.

  2. the constant pounding creates little painful fractures in your back.

    ive known people who have done track. its okay to run once and a while. and i usually run on the grass for the support.

  3. What can be bad about running is that it puts strain on your knees and figure skaters already use their knees all the time.

    Running also burns a lot of calories and doesn't build muscle mass very well so that for a petite figure skater may not be the best training decision either.

    But I run a lot and it doesn't affect my skating. Running is good to warm up your body and increases endurance. Lots of skaters run so if you want to go for it.

  4. Who told you that?  Skaters shouldn't swim, but running isn't a problem.

  5. Shouldn't? Why? It's not like it's bad. It actually helps for endurance....

  6. Treadmills can be very hard on the knees, but the benefits of running for many outweigh the detriments.  It is better to run than jog though, as jogging is bad on knees and feet.

    And exactly why is it bad for skaters to swim?  I am in so much better shape and have stronger hips because of swimming.  If you're swimming properly then it will help your skating.  Problem is that most don't know how to swim correctly, so don't say skaters shouldn't swim just because most people don't know what they're doing.  If there are legitimate reasons back it up, but don't just throw something out their with no explanation/evidence.

    Note: I didn't say jogging is worse on the knees than running.  I said it's bad on knees AND feet.  Also, I have had permanent cartilage damage to my knees for ten years now because of skating jumps and have patellofemoral pain syndrom, so when anything is bad for knees I can feel it right away.  Both are tough on knees, but running isn't bad on your feet nearly as much as jogging is.  The impact point on your foot is more natural while running.

  7. I run. I do it to warm up. I have never heard of that.  

  8. I didn't know that we shouldn't run.

  9. actually most skaters do...

  10. boy this question can open all sorts of commentary. jogging worse than running on the knees? obviously you must have young knees. jogging is low impact. as far as the initial question... cross training is an awesome thing. don't limit yourself by not doing anything. it can only help unless you are embarking on a sport that has a high risk situation that could lead to injury, causing you to miss out on your chosen sport.

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