
Why shouldnt pregnant women touch their body at the time of eclipse of the sun???

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what is the scientific reason and which parts they shouldnt exactly touch




  1. I heard that if a women living in the third world should do such a haneous thing, the child may be born a werewolf, or even worse a girl!

  2. There is no known explanation for this critical issue with respect to the Solar eclipse and touching of the gravid females body.  I've attempted to figure this out for 89 years and I'm still at a loss.  There is no adequate explanation for this phenomenon.

    There's only one human being alive who can know the answer to this; only one.

  3. Never heard of that one, but funny thing you asked. I actually watched an eclipse of the moon while struggling through labor pains at home before I went to the hospital...

  4. Old wives tale...the one I've heard was to put something made of metal on your belly.

    Wards off deformities.

    It can't hurt to slap a paperclip on belly can it.

  5. Because the tidal forces of the moon and the sun acting on the surface water of our planet can affect pregnant females as their bodies contain more water during pregnancy. Strange things can happen to you during the eclipse, just lay in bed until it's over :-D

  6. Scientifically, it's fokelore.  

  7. had to look into this...anyway what i found

    "Pregnant women should not see the sun or the moon during the time of the eclipse. If they do the child born may have some kind of defect. He may be born deaf, dumb or blind."

    wasnt anything about touching her body...there was a reference about not touching any clothing until after a bath (everything must be clean)  

  8. I'm pretty sure that sounds like an urban legend. In fact, I've never heard of it until just now...

    A solar eclipse shouldn't have any affect on a pregnant woman. That's like saying eating ice cream during a full moon will kill your dog!

  9. It is a fad... more like a Superstition.  

  10. bs bs bs

  11. Beg your pardon?  I don't think scientific reasoning and the mumbo jumbo you are talking about go hand in hand.

  12. that sounds like bs

  13. ???

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