
Why shouldnt someone be a vegetarian?

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im a vegetarian, have been for 5 and a bit months,

tell me why i shouldnt be or why i should be.

go for it?




  1. The only reason not to be would be because you didn't have enough information to make wise food choices. Just eliminating meat (a WONDERFUL idea) isn't going to make you healthier. You have to learn to balance foods that go together to make a complete protein (a good book is "Diet For a Small Planet"), and it may be a good idea to take a multiple vitamin as well.

    Other than that, being vegetarian is the healthiest and most honorable way to live. There is no reason whatsoever that humans of means should have to include fellow mammals in their diets.

  2. No one should be a vegetarian it's not normal. Take a look at the human mouth, do you think that incisors and molars developed from eating vegtables? I work at vitamin shoppe and everyday vegetarians and vegans come in saying I feel funny, Im tired all the time, I keep breking bones, blah, blah, blah. And every time I hear that the first thing I ask is what's your diet and they say, I dont eat anything with a face. Maybe thats why you feel ike c**p! Being a vegetarian or vegan is a choice people make because they don't understand something. Either they are naive, or they are trying to lose weight or they think that because a cow gets it's head bashed in that if they don't eat meat they are somehow making a point. Well the point is that no matter what that cow is going to die and you not eating it is making your body worse and thats all. You will achieve nothing by not eating meat, other then not eating meat. The only time I would reccomend cutting out red meat is if you have high cholesterol, but even then don't cut it out just eat less of it. I simply belive that if human beings were meant to be vegetarians then our mouths and organs would have developed differently. What do you think the original function of an appendix was! To digest bones, what plant has bones! NONE, so eat meat. There are no health benefits, sorry to anyone I pissed off, but hay were all entitled to our own opinion and our own life.

  3. Because being a vegetarian shows that you care for the environment and the animals. It's also a good way to practice what you believe in and work towards something.

    But at the same time, meat is so good. And you miss out on a lot of vitamins that come from the meat, so you have to take supplements. It must be annoying for people that are serving you food, always having to come up with an alternative for the person. And also, a lot of people buy stuff like tofurkey, meat made from soybeans, etc. but that can be expensive.

    Vegetarianisms has it bad sides and good sides, but overall I think it's a positive decision!

  4. If they aren't willing to eat correctly.   Bening a vegatrian requires some reasearch it is more than salads and steamed veggies.

    Then again those same people don't eat right with meat in thier diet

  5. The American Dietetic Association is one of the nation's leading nutrition experts. It says that "vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases."

    So in terms of nutrition, there's really no reason to eat meat.

    Having a vegetarian diet also helps to reduce animal suffering by lowering the demand for meat, and it's better for the environment.

    In 2006, the United Nations issued a major report on the environmental problems caused by the meat industry. This report said that raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global."

    I don't see any good reason why someone shouldn't be a vegetarian! :)

  6. To not be a veggie is to not care about your health or the animals that die needlessly to feed you

  7. Being vegetarian is really healthy if you do it the right way - making sure you're getting everything you need.

    My daughter may have Crohn's Disease and if diagnosed, there is a chance she may require several hundred additional calories a day - just to maintain her weight, which is normal. I don't think a vegetarian diet would be easy for her, as a teenager, to manage. Because of this disease - we have to make sure she doesn't lose weight and has extra protein - so it wouldn't be impossible, but more difficult to be vegetarian.

  8. Cause if you go anywhere else in the world they wont understand what the h**l you mean when you say `I dont eat meat` and think you mean `just a little meat`....ugh!

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