
Why shouldnt we nuke our enemies, since God has approved nuking enemies?

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1 Samuel 15:1-11.




  1. Forgive your enemies....

    ....It will drive them insane trying to get their heads around

  2. There is God approved war indeed.  If the people of that time had obeyed God there would most likely not be a war between the Jews and the Palestinians today.


  3. Because of what is used at that time is not what is used in these days .... and that the time of the person the laws of what the tabernacle the priests where put to death if they messed up using the place in vein or when, the , priest when to find David to be King. The people wanted to see a man to help them decide an outcome of a division of land or the dispute among men, that did not get involved what the church would be commenting on with the Sin and Repent issue that involved what a translation of understanding would be ?

  4. And this is precisely the sort of reason why the Bible should not be taken as literal advice for the modern world.

    Besides, I don't recall any hint of a mention in the Bible about nuclear weapons

    Oh, and something you should remember. Everyone who goes into a battle thinks God is on their side. Someone has to be wrong.

    Question is, how do you know it's not your team?

  5. This was a commandment that God gave Saul centuries ago.

    Today, we need to follow this rule:

    Matthew 5:44

    But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

    Luke 6:27

    But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

    Luke 6:35

    But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

  6. Vengence is the Lords brother and he will repay.

  7. Makes too big a mess.

  8. how old are you ? 3?......which version of the bible are you reading?......has your god personally communicated with you and told you this? you know what the far reaching consequences of just one nuclear bomb going off would cause?...Do some research on the Chernobyl disaster then you will have a better insight into the after effects of radioactive fallout years and years and years after the event

    .....oh yeah thats right..its ok to fire nukes off like long as it doesnt go off in your back yard right?

    ....maybe you should start doing some intelligent thinking and research before making such ignorant comments.

    I really do hope you are in a very very small minority of people with no influence whatsoever in the real world.



  9. God also said you should beat your wife and you cant eat shrimp... no matter how "godlike" one is you dont follow everything in the bible.

  10. Nice to note you are in touch with God.Say hi!!

  11. Wow!!!  God told you that? What's she like?

    We have to remember that we're enemies to somebody else. Which one does God approve of doing the nuking?

  12. "put to death both man and woman, child and infant"

    McCain's values not mine

  13. God never said such thing!

    I guess you forgot one of the ten commandments :

    Thou shall not kill!

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