
Why shouln't animals be used in medical research?this is for my Persuasive essay please help?

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this is for my essay thats due tommorrow so i need help fast.





  1. Are human lives more valuable than an animal lives?

  2. Well, it is sad for one thing.  Animals hurt and have pain just like we do.  But basically it comes to researching diseases that are killing people, and children and babies.  I can't think of any other way that they would be able to successfully do research with living things other than using animals.  

  3. Tortured... inhumane conditions.

    The animals are without choice and without a voice to protest.

    They suffer pain just as intense as we do.

    Can result in blindness, disfiguration, permanent medical conditions such as regular siezures, limbs might  have to be cut off or be mutilated, death is very likey. And often when the research is over they kill the survivors.

  4. Animals dont have a choice in the matter for example humans can chose whether to take part in a medical research project animals do not have a choice they are used and left to perhaps die and suffer

    that's the only point i can think of sorry  

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