
Why shud you tip a pizza delivery guy?

by Guest44751  |  earlier

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Why shud you tip a pizza delivery guy?




  1. Because it is a convenience, they are bringing it to your door for you.  I have been tipping an extra dollar now too because of such high gas prices.  I give a $3 or $4 tip now.  They dont get paid a regular rate, they work for tips.

  2. OOOOOHHHHH, This one makes me mad.  My husband and I both delivered pizzas for large corporate chains.  We got minimun wage (less than the cooks) and .20 cents for every delivery.  We spent our gas money, fixed out cars, tune ups and made sure that the "cheese, peppers and coke* were always in our vehicles.  I lost gloves, lighters, sunglasses, maps and got prank calls more times than I can remember.

    TIP YOUR DRIVERS!  They go out in snow, just like the mail man!!!!!

  3. i think the pizza guy should be tipped but i always go by their attitude. if they are friendly i will give them wat i have. but sometimes i only have money just for the pizza. and a lot of the time they don't expect it... but i stopped getting delivery anyways. i feel better about my food if i can pick it up myself.

    i learned that it is courtesy to tip you're mailman at christmas but my mail person gives me other peoples mail plus i saw her knock over my trash can and didn't pick it up. so obviously she's not getting anything from me...

  4. because the person brought your pizza straight to your door, used their gas, their vehicle, their leg work to bring it from their vehicle all the way to where you are located, whether at home or a job site.

  5. Lol..I Say The Same Thing Well Actually You Don't Have To Tip Him They Already Take The Tip From The Money Anyway Soo...But Another Reason Is For Gas Lol..

  6. if you don't, he'll get ticked.

    he just brought you food..


  7. they are providing a service for u and they get paid based on tips.

  8. Because they delivered your food to you using their car and gas they have to pay for themselves...

  9. You should tip them because there bringing your pizza hot and fresh

  10. I wonder why we tip anyone for doing their job...

    They chose the job, and it's wages, so don't tell me it's wage or service based. We don't tip the Mcdonald's worker, we we do tip the denny's employee?

    Pizza driver chose driving pizza, and they usually get some sort of pay per trip, plus the tips.

    The cocktail waitress takes your order, and brings your drink. Why is she tipped?

    If I get outstanding service, I will tip, but if you did your job, why should I? I work in a grocery store, I ring up your stuff correctly, I don't even get a thank you!

    Why does the taxi get tipped for taking you where you said you needed to go?

    We should stop all the handing out of free money and make people earn it with better service!

    The mailman doesn't get tipped...

  11. actually, their tip is included with the delivery... that's why it's more $ for deliveries than actually picking it up.

    but tipping shows that you care ^^

  12. because most pizza delivery PEOPLE get paid minimum wage, and if they do get paid per run it is usually not enough to cover the gas it takes to get there (they usually get a maximum of $1 a run).  i work at a pizza place and h**l, it's a pretty easy job, but seriously, you get paid pretty much nothing (at ours drivers don't even get any money per run).  plus the drivers have to drive to your house and back, and they usually have to take one delivery at a time, which ends up costing a lot in gas.  drivers also put a lot of wear and tear on their cars (because they have to use their own cars), so some of the money they make will eventually need to go into maintaining their cars (etc).  not to mention gas costs like $4 a gallon now!

  13. because its a hard job,  even a $3 would help and show you appreciate it. anything to do to help, even just a bit.

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