
Why so hot?

by  |  earlier

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I can't seem to figure out why my room is so much hotter than the rest of the house.

It's 10pm and it's not exactly hot outside. I have a window open. I'm not using a heater. The rest of the house is cool but my room is f***ing hot, I'm actually sweating.

Rest of house has A/C off




  1. Small rooms heat up faster. So if your room is small that might b why

  2. Perhaps the Heats coming through the walls from next door,,,

  3. You're bed's on fire you idiot!

  4. Hi, Because heat rises, and if you have a small bedroom then less air can circulate, i don't know where you live but it is really hot here in UK tonight i luckily have a fan at the side of my bed.

  5. uhh that sucks

  6. probably cause its a smaller part of the house and you may leave the door closed, also upstairs is closer to the sun so its bound to be hotter

  7. your room may be in a position where the heat from oterh parts of the house rise to. heat rises--if your room is on the second floor and has no ventilation it'll be hotter thatn the rest of the house. i live on the second floor and the rooms below mine are always cold but because i get a lot of sun during the day and no ventilation my room stays hot at night

  8. your room is probably the clostest to the sun and has less insulation

  9. Sounds as though the insulation is missing either in the walls or up in the ceiling area.  I'd recommend you check that first.

    To check the walls, just remove the cover plate off of a switch or plug and you should see evidence of insulation.  The attic area can be checked by going up into the attic with a flashlight and checking.

    Also, does your room face the afternoon sun?  If so, plant a tree that will shade that wall of the house.

  10. Do you have a tv in your room? As well as a stereo system, maybe a gaming system, a computer......any and all of those things give off quite a bit of heat and can cause a small/medium sized room to be quite a few degrees warmer than the rest of the house. I don't know if thats your issue, but Thats how my small bedroom is

  11. high humidity

  12. Is the heater running and blowing directly into your room? Is there a long hallway or sharp turn to cut off circulation from the house?
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