
Why so many attacks on "capitalism" as of late?

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Not just here, but in the religion and politics section as well. What makes more sense than letting people keep the rewards of their work? What else makes sense besides capitalism?




  1. Capitalism is another lie. The only ones who benefit are the rich! It's all corrupt government! Companies  are tools used by rich people to gamble our lives. It's a shame but the only good thing is that it will show everyone that we can't take care of ourselves. Capitalist don't have to shoot you but they can pay you low wages and kill you slowly! Same thing if not worst!

    EDIT: How can rich exist if their are no poor? Either someone is going to have more money or someone will have none. A rich man is just like a murder. Because look at all the poor who died without that money. For example why didn't Phil Knight CEO of Nike didn't go to India and check the labor conditions in sweatshops when Michel Moore asked him to go with him. Knight said that he needed to go to watch a tennis tournament! If people don't care about it! Just wait because soon it will be the US citizens who will be the slaves. I wonder if China will be our Allie once it becomes a dominant super power. No imports means we are boycotted. How long can we support ourselves? Not long since we can't agree to anything and having dumb authorities running this country. Some people should study the history of Rome and how it fell! History does repeat it self and ignorant people can't understand this because of pride. Pride before the Fallen! Oh well I guess people make up lies to believe in! Good luck to the future with Capitalism and it's downfall!

  2. Today we have Fascism Capitalism . This no friend to the people or to free enterprise .

  3. well im first of all im not sure why the attacks have increased but if i had to guess cause 3 different religons are fighting over the same holy land. but this has been going on for hundreds of years. but the finding of oil under there feet has just made it worse cause now they have money and want ta rest of it that is under the ground.

    now to your other question capitilism is what i believe in aswell so don't get me wrong hear but  why not comunism.i know most people think of hitler and stalin but what bout the christian chruch the have run things fairlly well for 2000 years

    sorry for the spelling

  4. Capitalism is awesome so long as companies are not allowed to monopolize.  Once this happens it is no longer capitalism but more closely resembles communism, which is pretty close to where America is now.  In communism and monopolized capitalism both are ran by a small group of people which always leads to oppression.

    Good Luck.

  5. I think the increased attacks stem from the increased realization of those that do not benefit from it, such as the poor, disabled, etc.  People can look around and see that 80 percent of the worlds wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population and it tends to sicken them.  Does it not you?  That is not fair; but we always call Capitalism the "most fair."

  6. Keeping the rewards is fine as long as they keep their losses too.  But lately many capitalists have kept their multi-million dollar rewards and then went to taxpayers to get some more money for their companies that they've mismanaged and ran into the ground.

    When people behave like capitalists with their profits and like socialists with their losses.  Then this naturally does upset a lot of ordinary people.  Because this is not fair.

  7. People don't have any idea about scale and levels of poverty.

    Poor people who attack capitalism are selfish and greedy.  They point to the rich and say they are greedy, but that is not true.  A rich person's standard of living can't really increase once they have a certain amount of money.  Only technology and time can increase their standard of living and the most efficient way is through capitalism's incentives.  A poor person is greedy because they desire the money.  

    Capitalism benefits everyone, but at different rates.  It helps the poorest the slowest, and since it is obvious they are the ones who complain.  

    Nobody in america is poor, but they like to complain.  I think it is cause they have never left the country or are ignorant.  They take TVs, cell phones, refrigerators,  etc. . for granted.  But it is not ignorant for them to complain.  By complaining socialists can point to "problems" and they can make a solution which is irrational, and can help in the short term, but will cause more problems in the longer term.  It is just because people are short sighted that they attack capitalism.  

  8. I dunno what is a perfect system. At the moment capitalism is the 'least bad' of them all as opposed to the 'best system'.

    Capitalism is inheritantly competitive as we all know. Trouble is with the overpopulation today that competitiveness leads to death when someone cannot buy food and clean water (i.e. when crops go to biofuel, for example). In a way it is like Natural Selection, but I would hope we can more beyond our primordial instincts and use the brain which makes us unique amongst the animal kingdom.

    I support capitalism but I certainly don't embrace it. The current status quo in the world is rather frightening.

  9. I think its because of all the fear lately.  Its about economic issues and how things some "failing".  They think we'll head into a depression and that bunches havoc will break loose.  Also because of how the housing market lost the strength and how many problems have occured- especially in countries with free markets and- capitalist ideology- where they once used to have stronger economies (like the US).

    Its overreaction.  Sure the US has rich people getting richer and economic problems are hurting many.  But that doesn't mean capitalism is bad.  Nor does it mean the US will collapse.  Its just that consumers will need to moderate their spending in the upcoming years- and be more responsible, governments can't be too lax on mortgage lending, and we will need to invest more in clean energy (to avoid high prices).  If anything, these problems will end up going away and making us smarter.  I think they will reduce our dependency on oil- people are reducing demand for gas and there is a movement to have more alternative energy- and maybe even cause people to be more careful with their money.  Capitalism works...its NOT perfect and has problems, but it works.  Other systems don't work and will just hurt countries- communism has destroyed different nations situations- (like Cuba is poor and the USSR collapsed from bad economic policies) yet capitalism helped countries be strong and powerful (China, US)..

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