
Why so many headaches???

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I have always had a problem with headaches, even as a child. However, in the past four years or so they are very frequent. The strange thing is, is that I will have headaches probably on average about 5 days out of 7, then after awhile, I won't get them as often.

Lately though, I would say maybe the past year or so I will get headaches almost every day for a month or so, then the frequency of them will drop to maybe 1 a week, then back to almost every day.

Any idea as to what the problem is? They usually aren't like migraines, but still bad none the less. I find I am constantly eating Excedrin because for the most part it seems to be the ONLY pain reliever that helps. I have tried other things like Tylenol, Aleve, Ibuprofen etc. but they usually do not work.

Please help! Best Answer 10 pts.!




  1. Headaches come for a variety of reasons.

    Some people get headaches due to the weather. For example, I get headaches when a storm front is coming in. Something about the pressure.

    Some people have food allergies to certain foods that will trigger some headaches. I know corn products and certain processed foods are a problem for me.

    If you do get migraines, and chug down the medicine constantly, you can get withdrawal headaches. Your body will actually generate a headache to make you take the meds.

    Some people get them due to clogged sinuses, colds, allergies, sinus infections.

    Some people get them in stressful periods.

    Sometimes, if you're not getting in enough fluids or enough calories in, you can get headaches.

    You can get headaches if you've been in the sun too long or if your body is overheated, as in heat exhaustion.

    Some people get them if they work out harder than their body can handle.

    Sometimes you could have a chemical imbalance in the brain.

    And sometimes people have tumors or other issues in their brain that could cause them.

    Bumps to the head can cause headaches for awhile afterward.

    Women are known to get them at certain parts of their cycle.

    If you have a chronic headache problem, you need to talk to your doctor. They're the only ones that will be able to sort from the myriad of things that can cause them.

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