
Why so many people donating money to temples instead of charities???

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Why so many people donating money to temples instead of charities???




  1. Lots of charities are corrupt, so I just give the homeless people pizza meatloaf instead.  We all know they can't spend THAT on booze.

  2. because a lot of charities are scams, the temple is a much safer bet to be sure your money will go where it's needed.

  3. I think there's an inherent idea, fostered by most religions through the ages, that donating towards a church (temple) will bring everlasting rewards in the afterlife.

    There has always been money donated to religious edifices, money drained from, and often to the detriment, of the working mass, which in essence only contributes to the ideology of the church-leaders (not necessarily corrupt, rather glorifying a building, not God).

    The problem is, sometimes religious zeal is twisted by man's interpretations. I seriously doubt any God would prefer a building to a charitable act.

    Sorry if this offends

    Anthony James Barnett - author of WITHOUT REPROACH

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