
Why so many people in this rubique insult my country and my people?

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I find deeply injured when I read some answers here and find people refering to mexico as a rubbish bin and to us mexicans as criminals with no fundamented facts whatsoever. Why do some people generalize due to a minority?




  1. I'm not very hurt by it. I am frustrated at how ignorant some americans can be.

    I love that fact that they talk trash like they do,,,,,

    I'm very proud that mexican americans don't say thing back like........

    You know your a redneck if....

    It shows how respectful of others we truly are.

  2. Its the way you all act. Its like down right offensive you come to the US and expect something for nothing. Tell your fellow Mexicans to stay in Mexico there are already 25 million of you here. All those Mexicans left Mexico for a reason the all mighty dollar. Obama '08 LOL

  3. i love mexican people they are so nice realy i would rathere deal with them than anyone els even tho i dont speak spanish but theyr nice people

  4. People are not suggesting all Mexicans are as we are describing,  But it is correct to know that very bad people crossed the border rather than very good ones, and we have a government that does not want to enforce the law.

    I strongly suggest you read all eighteen parts of this web, and find out what some of the Mexicans who have crossed the border have done and why we want it stopped, and soon.


  5. I doubt it is any thing personal. People on here will call you trash if you use a different tooth paste than they do.  

  6. realize that the majority of people on this site are 13-17 they are just young and dumb.  That being said there is a real problem in America with gangs and brown power then there are the people that come to America because in Mexico the authorities won't put up with there c**p so they come up here. and those are the people we see. I travel to southern Mexico every year and I think the people are wonderful  

  7. clhen said it all, blame the illegals for mexicans getting a bad name, take all these parasites back and our opinion may change.

  8. because people are jerks and will do it to anyone from anywhere

  9. this has happened since the beginning of time ( prejudice) and will continue til the end. don't take it personal.  

  10. no offense i have friends that i went to school with that were mexicans but here ya go.

    us americans get tired of illegal mexicans coming to our country illegally, getting to work without paying taxes, not having to go to war and fight for our country where they live but don't defend, and lots more stuff that mexicans get away with that an american never would. my mom is in deep trouble for not filing her taxes ON TIME, and these illegal aloens that don't even belong here don't have to pay at all! and this is OUR country... we should get the privelages that we have worked so hard for, not the mexicans that are here ILLEGALLY.

    that's what all the "rubique insult to you country and people" is about.

    but like i said, "no offense"

  11. The same reason u gneralize.  But I think the main reason is because the illegal immigration situation is very important and we need to find a way to legitmize these folks.  It's also very apparent to many americans who work hard for very little, that they are forced to compete with many illegals ( and legals).  It's not suprising... I mean in Mexico I saw some americans living and they told me that the police and immigration in mexico keeps americans (and south americans from outisde mexico) from working in mexico (there is no legal working immigrants).  

  12. Well,it could have something to do with the fact that tens of millions of criminals from your country are over here robbing,raping,spreading disease,killing,destroying our hospitals,and taking jobs away from americans that need them and artificially lowering wages.Not to mention the marches in the streets waving mexican flags yellingshit like si se puede and la raza and recoquistas.I hope they round up every one of the criminal illegals and throw them back into mexico with bootprints on their backsides,then build the fence.After that,if anyone is caught sneaking across the border they should be shot on sight and left for the coyotes to eat.

  13. Yes, it's ridiculous and unfair to generalize a people.  Maybe it's only the poorest uneducated folks who sneak over here to work as cheap labor, and so we think that all Mexicans are poor and uneducated?

  14. we are not in mexico, we are in the u.s.a. so that's the way we live, and if you are going to live here, you must live by our culcher

  15. You're not really much of a minority anymore, but....I think they are wrong to generalize about all of the people of Mexico and of Mexican origin.  But I feel they ARE right to criticize Mexico as a country.  The government of Mexico is known to be corrupt and that is part of the reason that her people tend to turn to criminal activity as a means to survive, since they may have no other way.

  16. Maybe the same reason you disrespect Americans, America and the people that live here.

    Your not fooling anyone, we've been here long enough to see you bark off your racist lies about America.

  17. because they are ignorant jerks. Mexico is a wonderful place, and in my experience people from mexico are hardworking and fun.

    they don;t know what the f they are talking about, so you shouldnt waste your energy being offended.

  18. dont worry, in real life most of these people are anti social bitters, you wouldnt stand waste 5 minutes with them, better feel sorry for them

  19. all im saying is if America would help mexico out with it's resources, then maybe we wouldn't have so many illegals here.

    i have no problem whatsoever with the legal citizens of this country, in fact i have a few latino friends.

    but there's a reason why it's called ILLEGAL.

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