
Why so many social programs?

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I am not affiliated with either party but the democrats are the party of social programs that give freebies to so many. Why is this fair to those that have overcome so much in their life to become succesful just to pay for those who haven't? Even the Obama's say they have worked their butts off to get where they are but now they tell Americans that they can't do the same without government assistance.......explain why this is OK...?




  1. "The road to h**l, is often paved with good intentions."  

    Washington runs 342 economic development programs, 130 programs serving the disabled, 130 programs serving at-risk youth, 90 early childhood development programs and 72 safe-water programs.  Considering the defecit and the increased national debt.  The war in Iraq and the coming retirement of baby boomers...people have to realize that something has to give.  I say raise my taxes to help reduce our debt and balance our budget, but also cut the spending programs.

  2. It is very unfair if you believe in the virtue of economic "darwinianism".

    It is unfair if you feel that "getting ahead" in America is really about getting Ahead of OTHERS.

    That to be ahead, many people must be behind.

    If ahead is about doing Better than Others, that Americans are at their best when we are like rabid dogs devouring each other.

  3. How are they freebies. We are working for these things and it's about time those taxes stay home and do something for the working families that pay the taxes. They are simply getting back what we Americans put in with our taxes that are gathered from working people rather than having them go to iraq or to the oil corporations in the form of subsidies and tax give aways.  It's actually programs that make our cities, our communities and our country a stronger place by having a more educated and more energy diverse country.  We spend 15 billion a month in Iraq, what's wrong with keeping that money at home, save some lives in the world, and improve our own infrastructure, education and broken healthcare system and get off oil dependency?  Geesuz, this will create new jobs in this country that will stay in this country, create a more diverse economy, and make us a far more happier people.  Are you saying you are against this?

    A recent GAO study has shown that most corporations don't pay taxes and haven't for a long time.  Yet our taxes are going to fund the oil corporations, the military war industry and pharmaceutical corporations.  I think it is time to fund the country from the bottom up because it's obvious that after 30 years trickle down economics do not work.

    BTW, good luck paying for those student loans when housing, gas, food and cost of living is up and wages are low.  Reality is going to slap you in the face.

    EDIT:  SHOW ME WHERE THOSE TAX SUBSIDIES AND WRITE OFFS ARE CREATING NEW JOBS IN THIS COUNTRY.  THEY AREN'T.  THE JOBS ARE BEING SENT OVERSEAS, THAT'S A FACT.  And, we are still paying taxes on the goods those slave laborers make and the corporaitons are not paying any taxes on the goods they are sending back over to us.  SO THEY TAKE THE TAX SUBSIDIES AND THEN THEY TAKE THE JOBS AWAY.  GEESUZ, I hope your grad degree isn't in economics.

    Right now, the biggest welfare isn't going to the poor and unemployed, it's going to corporations.

    No it won't be worse.  According a branch of the Urban Tax policy institute's, McCain's plan will make our deficit go twice as high as Obama's.  And, look at your rates now on your student loans, I can guarantee you that they are not that low.

    Subsidized Stafford loans for graduate and professional student and all unsubsidized Stafford loans is 6.8%.

    That's pretty steep for student loan standards.

    Healthcare:  Think of it this way, your money is going to not just pay for others but for you.  Much like our taxes for roads, fire department, military, police and trash is paid for the benefit of all of us who live in this system.  The money will obviously come from our taxes but honestly it can be raised by 1). Getting out of Iraq which is costing us 15 billion dollars a month.  2). Raise taxes back to where they were before 2001. 3). With the cap and trade policy on pollution, it will help create new government revenues as well.  4). Create more green collar jobs which in turn will create more revenue.  There's all kinds of ways to stimulate the economy as well without band aids like simple tax stimulus checks.  5). Close all the loopholes on corporate offshoring of jobs by taxing the goods coming over to the states.  Tax them if they offshore the jobs like they should be taxed.

    And, that's just a few things that can be done.

  4. We can't all be rocket scientists and brain surgeons, some people are going to need some help once in a while.

    I am curious though, what social programs are you talking about? Neocons seem to think there will be an explosion but never elaborate.

    Edit: My apologies, I wasn't aiming the Neocon tag at you, I meant Neocons in general.

  5. What about the corporate welfare that the Conservatives dish out?

  6. I'm not a Democrat, but I honestly believe that they are well-meaning, which makes them more dangerous.  While government programs sound good in theory, I don't believe that they are what is best for this nation.  What will be developed with all of these social programs is a nanny state.  Sure, you'll be protected, but there is a price to pay.  It would be like living with your parents.  Sure, they will provide for you, but you will have to obey their rules while living under their roof.  Personally, I'd prefer that the government stay out of my life.  The Democrats can't take the "sharp corners" off of all the dangers that life presents.

  7. You can't work your butt off is there's no where to work where people can earn decent wages.  Really, who can work a minimum wage job and get by.  I make about 40k, I'm not on welfare and I struggle.  I cannot look down on anyone and  I cannot imagine working at McDonald's, Wal-Mart or BK  with a family and making $8 and being able to afford $4/gas, food, car insurance,  and  health insurance.  If there's no more money, there's just no more money.  


    I rather my tax money be spent on freebies on American soil at home than to be thrown in the Iraqi desert while they have a surplus that I've paid for by buying their gas!  Now, that's a freebie.

  8. I'm with you for the most part.  I think that it is important to think about the people in society that are not given the same opportunities as we have had.  I know many good families that are "working their butts off" but still have trouble living as we do.  I counsel single mothers and fathers that sometimes work three jobs to keep up...but not high enough wages or time available, or don't have good enough insurance plans to support their families.  I've also worked with people who milk the Gov.(this is unfortunate) . But if we were to eliminate Govn't. aid we would eliminate the legitimate families who are working hard to get to the point of self-sufficiency.  If anything, there needs to be a better plan in order to weed out those that are not trying hard enough.  Trust me...most hard working families (and there are, in fact, many) are not wanting "freebies" and are forced to use our aid for a good reason.  This is a good question and highly debatable.  It takes a little empathy and understanding that most people are embarrassed to have to use social programs.

  9. do you realize that three times more is spent on corporate welfare than is spent on social programs?????

    I work my butt off too and don't feel I should be giving my money away to corporations worth millions.

  10. Yeah, it is MUCH better to pay taxes out the *** and get nothing in return - who wants universal health care and access to affordable post secondary education. Americans pay enormous taxes and get jack $hit in return plus the cost of insurance is highway robbery.

  11. Social programs breed more laziness.

    This will led to the ultimate downfall of this country.

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