
Why so much attention and surprise about China's brutality and murder? They've always been like this since

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the communists took over.

Mau Tse Tung killed 40 million Chinese ! His successors have murdered millions more.

Death and murder is commonplace in that evil place known as china.

Why is ANYONE surprised?




  1. There was a fight between Mao Tse Tung and another man the result which was a civil war. The man if he had won the war would have killed many people but if he did so with the approval of western powers this would not matter. There is also something which all nations could do to stop brutality which is to introduce The Human Right To Peace into the Constituitions or equivalents of all nations and the right for Humanity to own The Planet. This would preclude future resource wars. The Right To conserve natural resources and  protect the environment , The Right to an unpolluted environment,the right to a world without  manmade global warmimg would end all forms of brutality from nations including major powers such as The U.S.A. and China, Germany, France, and  in African Nations.

  2. Our media is bored.

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