
Why so much attention now that she's blonde?

by  |  earlier

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So basically, when my friend was a brunette, guys didnt really pay attention to her. she just recently dyed her hair bleach blonde, like gwen stephanie or marilyn monroe BLONDE and they are ALWAYS giving her soo much attention. she's even said it herself, that now that shes blonde all the guys are after her.

She was really pretty as a brunette and still is pretty as a blonde so why is it that only now that she is blonde guys are giving her all this attention? It doesnt make any sense.




  1. Because of the effect being blonde has on her. She is probably happier now that she is getting alot of attention. And guys like a confident girl. I dont think they are attracted to her hair color because there are ALOT of ugly blonde girls. They are attracted to the change in her look and the positive change in her attitude.

  2. i guess because the guys arent used to the blonde and saw it as a good thing.

  3. I think that the hair color change is just a huge boost to her confidence level...guys love to see someone confident and glowing! She probably lets it show through, too, because I knew someone who did that and whenever you saw her, she was always beaming!

  4. That color blond just screams attention!

  5. It might be a change in her herself.

    Since the switch to blonde she might have might have higher self esteem and feel more outgoing than when she was a brunette.

    So the blonde hair it self might be giving her an ego boost and guys like girls that have confidence in themselves.

  6. The stereotype that girls have about blonde hair: Blondes have more fun

    The stereotype that guys have about blonde hair: Blondes are flirty and S****y

    Perhaps blondes DO have more fun... but it's because guys chase after them because they think they're s***s

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