
Why so much controvercy about smoking weed,when alcohol kills and is 100 times worse?

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Why so much controvercy about smoking weed,when alcohol kills and is 100 times worse?




  1. becuase weed opens your mind to other ideas of life and how we should live it.

    whereas alcohol makes people act more herd minded.

  2. there is no way of taxing it as people would grow their own if it was legal

  3. cause its illegal and everything that is illegal has some typoe of controvesoy to it.

    It's illegal because its hard for the gov't to tax it.

    alcohol and ciggs are easy to tax so it is allowed.

    If you want to know more about it i asked a question on this subject before;...

  4. Alcohol is really bad or you and harmful but one funadamental difference between legal and illegal drugs is when you are coming down from legal drugs such as alcohol you are fully aware of it.

    It takes days to fully come down off canabis and you aren't fully aware of when you are and are not.

    Most takers of illegal drugs beleive they are members of a secret society and only they know they are off their face when the truth is you can spot them a mile away.

    Very few alcohol users would seriously think that no one knows they are sozzled.

  5. it only does more damage because it's legal. that's like saying an elephant's stronger than an army ant just because it's bigger

  6. One things lead to another, this headline is only a few days old.

  7. because people that sell weed will also probably deal other drugs, and it's a part of the whole gang culture. also, weed is nowadays cut with chemicals to make 1 stash last longer for the dealer, making them more money. but these chemicals are causing more incidents of temporary psychotic delusions and schizophrenia, some of which last quite a while, a small minority of which become permanent, impacting on that person's life forever in terms of medications required, health checkups, and potential lost jobs.

  8. I think its because its a big money making business. To much money would be lost to the jails ,the countys and the courts.

  9. I don't know why.. But I do agree.. Alcohol is very addicting also.. more so then pot, and it is legal.. Who knows why things are like they are.. greedy people is my guess.. Someone makes money ..

  10. Hello,,the government will lose lots of money if weed is legalized,,the CIA has been shipping coke and weed into America for decades just to sell it to the people and then arrest them and charge them big bucks to keep their freedom! Vote Libertarian Party,,they said they would de-criminalize marijuana.

  11. I think it's stupid myself.

    Alcohol is an aweful drug, it's bad on the liver, other organs and leads to addiction at depressing times although can be used safely.

    Other drugs like LSD, Shrooms, MDMA and Marijuana are a d**n sight safer.  They aren't addictive (not properly) and they don't induce violence.

    In general drugs aren't good, but some are worse than others ... Nicotine isn't good either, bad for the lungs and highly addictive (it becomes a lifestyle)

    At the end of the day the goverment don't care about you ... only YOU care about YOU ... you know what's right, I'd just grow my own stuff.  They let you drink poison because they make money off it.

    Ignore BS of Marijuana turning to Heroin that's total c**p, you don't graduate to higher drugs because your exsisting ones suck.  Humans like to try things differently, we like the experiment, when you try any drug ... because how cool it is/was you feel like cocktailing the other items on the menu which is why people move around the list.  Also never do drugs for depression, that will lead to addiction REAL quick.

    At the end of the day people are slowly killing themseleves, whever it's hard drugs, self harm, junk food, gangs, bad sleeping, lack of exercise they are going downhill.

  12. you really wanna know?

    its because BIG PHARMA will lose plenty of money.

    they're the ones selling us medications, and then more pills to relieve the side effects from the ones they gave us first.

    weed heals.

    best medicine by far.

    anyone can grow it almost anywhere.

    and then Big Pharma loses money.

  13. Because alcohol & tobacco companies have good lobbist. They do after all finance the majority of the anit-drug movement. Alll those "what's my anit-drug" commercials are paid for by alcohol and tabacco companies. The government doesn't want to stop marijuana because then they would have to admit that it's harmless along with xtc, acid, shrooms and other drugs that they lied about and told us where dangerous and could kill us.

  14. If you compare the initial affects, then booze would appear to be the more evil of the two as you are more likely to be beaten up by a drunk than somebody using weed who's early affects make them jolly. However long term use of weed can put you a risk of developing schizophrenia and you too could become a mindless idiot like the drunks but without fully understanding what you are doing.

    Ask yourself, which condition, alcoholism or schizophrenia would be the easiest to cure ?

    Whats your thoughts now on which is worse Booze v Weed now ?

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