
Why so much excited???

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i'm italian, been in NY one month ago end i founded it was WONDERFUL. if i lived in NY i would be the happiest girl in the world. well, i'm wondering why americans are so excited with coming in Italy???? if i was american i won't never come in Italy!




  1. people alway want to meet other places never been before because they don't know how life is as you where born in there  I am sure you lost the will to see the beauty things Italy can offer

    I am from Mexico I hear many people exited to come but only to see the great!! from Mexico not all we Mexican we see daily

  2. people are always excited and love going to places that they are not from, it's all about seeing new places , you don't want to visit italy because you are from there and vice a versa with the americans  . i love italy and america but not boring old england x x x

  3. so...

    you ll never be American

    Italy is the living history of the European world where romulo & remo & a wolf female did the greatest metropoly of all the times

    but im quebecoise & cannot explain an italian lady what italy means for me

    un grosso baccio!!!

    john doe

  4. CIAO

  5. For the same reason you are enjoying New York!

    It's exotic!  For us, to go to Rome, and see two thousand year old ruins, and relics that are much older than that, to see the fashion mecca of Milan, the Renaissance glory of Florence, etc., because most of us, if we get to at all, it's only for a few days per city at best, and it's things that we have studied intensely in school, and it's foreign, and it's all new to us, it's a complete dream for most people.

    Plus, you know, we see the highlights in movies, like Under the Tuscan Sun, and anything by Fellini, etc., and it just LOOKS so incredibly DIFFERENT, making everything we live with look dull and drab by comparison.

    There's a saying in English:  The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.  Or in this case, the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

    And for many of us, our families came from some part of Europe, and a large percentage of them were Italians...there's also the finding one's roots factor.
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