
Why so much hate? I don't get it?

by  |  earlier

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I wouldn't call myself a fan of the Jonas Bros. But a lot of people are like "I HATE THEEEEEM!" But all they did was sing for the pre-teen/early teen division. And it's not a crime to look good. So everyone who "hates" them is really hating on them apparently. And what's stupid is that it's older teens who keep mentioning how much they hate them. Grow up!




  1. I feel that people are just quick ti insult other

    Cultures that they have chosen to NOT understand, lol I guess you could say, ignorance is bliss!  

  2. first most people when they state "they hate ..." do not really mean hate -- strongly dislike yes - hate no -- and anyone has a right to like or not like anything and also to voice there opinion on the subject!!!

  3. People are free to hate what they want to, just as you're free to tell them to grow up. That's all I have to say.

  4. they just cant sing

    thats all

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