
Why so much negativity against royalty/monarchy on this website?

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Are people jealous of royalty being better and more important than they are?

No king or queen has hurt them, why all the negativity and hate?

George Bush has hurt you a lot more than Queen Elizabeth II ever will or could...




  1. Are you aware of how the Queen acted when the princess was killed?  She wouldn't even have the flag hung at half mass, she had Diana's boys go hunting the day after she died, c'mon now!!

    I'm not jealous at all of them, I feel so sorry for them that they are so dislocated from the real world.

    Royalty is such a waste of money and could go to a much better cause.

    Yes I agree George Bush has caused some harm, but at least he actually works!!

  2. I'm not a British Subject and I have no animosity toward the Royal Family. Truly, they have done nothing to me, not withstanding historical rammifications of their past actions, but that was a long time ago, and I'm really not that old.

  3. "royalty being better and more important than they are?"

    Excuse me? You must be trolling because there is absolutely no reason to think anyone is inherently "better" than you. Especially if the only troubles and tribulations in a royal's life would be running out of truffles or having to do one's own laundry.

  4. I agree with you, Patrick. When times get bad, the rich are often a target for hatred. The Royals are quite rich and they are in the news constantly.People who are suffering from economic hardship are quite envious of their life style.These people have a hard time accepting the fact that life isn't fair,that there are both rich and poor,and that there are some rich people who do give back to their communities.These people also don't really know the whole story or the whole history of the royals and are quick to point out the "faults," the "imperfections" of the family,not realizing or forgetting that no one is perfect.They latch on to all of the negative stories the news puts out and don't even bother to find out the whole truth of the matter.These people don't know the way that Elizabeth II was raised,her devotion to duty that was instilled in her since childhood;they don't understand the mindset of the people who lived during World War II.They can only see the pain that they are in.

    I am quite disappointed with Yahoo Answers;they don't do anything about these people who use Answers to post their rants(I've complained and they've done nothing). Ranting is supposed to be against the guidelines at Yahoo,but Yahoo can't even follow their own rules!

  5. because basically .. people are jealous of their wealth ... WITHOUT considering what cost to privacy being a royal is.

    I am an Australian who voted for the nation to become a Republic ( the vote didn't win)...BUT i honestly have nothing but respect for the Queen ... and I actually feel sorry for the other royals.. I mean REALLY who would want to be them... to be criticised by people who do not know you... to be accused of Murder when YOU DIDN'T COMMIT MURDER ( for pete's sake people GET OVER DIANA .. .accidents DO happen.. and you know .. .let's play your game ... and let's say you're right .. YOU ARE AWARE THAT SHE WOULD HAVE SURVIVED THE ACCIDENT HAD SHE ONLY WORN HER SEAT-BELT ???)

    anyway back to the Question... Truth be known those who criticise the most are just not very knowing about the Royals.

    I'd rather be me with my relative poverty ( in comparrison ) than have to live my life being scrutinized by strangers.

    Sweetlil' pretty much provides proof of what I believe .. that those who are most critical of the royals .. are those who are most Ignorant .. The Royals DON'T WORK ?? Ok if that is what you really believe .. who am I to try and change your mind.. BUT .. please .. at least educate yourself and FOR YOUR OWN sake learn the facts .. and that way you'll make yourself at least APPEAR to be LESS ignorant.

    Give me Elizabeth the Second ANY DAY over GWB.

  6. I think people imagine that we would be better off without a monarchy, for some reason.  They seem to find the idea of an elected head of state more appealing, I cannot imagine why, an elected head would be no cheaper and would mean a lot more boring elections, which we have enough of anyway.

    Personally, i much prefer to hang onto the monarchy.

    and with regards to the comment about how the Queen acted when Diana died, she was there at Balmoral with her grandsons, offering them comfort and consolation.  What is wrong with that?  And why on earth should there be a flag at half mast over buckingham palace?  It is not the custom to fly a flag at half mast over buckingham palace for any death, it wasn't even done for the present Queen's father when he died.  The Queen belongs to a generation that were taught to keep control of their emotions, embarrassing displays of public grief were not encouraged in her day.  Anyway, why should she feel any particular grief over the death of Diana, apart from sympathy for her grandsons?  Diana was only her ex-daughter-in-law, and they didn't get on.

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