
Why so much racism against blacks?

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Do you think he would have reacted this way had his son married a white woman? I think this guy should be hung!

I knew East Indian parents that were delighted when one of their two sons married a white woman but were outraged when the other married a black woman.




  1. This is terrible.  Racism is everywhere.  Against, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asian, Jews...etc.  It's not all on one particular race.

  2. i dream of a world without racists, feminists, homophobes and other such bigoted undesirables.

  3. in many societies darker skin is seen as lower class/caste, while whiter skin indicates someone of higher social standing. Its sad and this mans actions were disgusting, but until people begin to honestly discuss and acknowledge attitudes like this the world over, it will keep happening this way

  4. I don't believe in the Death Penalty, so I don't believe that he should be hung, but I will definitely show this article to all the ignorant rich white kids I know that claim racism has disappeared from the Earth.

    Not all racists, despicable though they may be, would hire hit-men to kill their daughter-in-law. It sounds as though this man is extremely emotionally disturbed.

    Unfortunately I think it is too late for many people of an older generation to amend their views; the best bet is to teach children understanding and tolerance.

  5. life sentence would be good no parole locked up forever.

  6. No idea, I personally will never understand why racism exists.

  7. People in the world today are cruel. God made all of us in his image and likeness.  We are all peculiar, despite the race or color.  Indians are not considered white people.  This man was being very wicked.  If he didn't like the girl, he should have reacted from the beginning to show some sign of rejection.

    Blacks do suffer racism even in this case, it is wickedness and he won't get away with it.  We are God's creation and God said if you kill you will be punish because no sin goes unpunish.  The  thought of a white woman marrying their race is foolish.  As a fool thinks so is he.  That's a sign of suppression on their children. Everyone have the right to chose who they want to spend the rest of their time with.  Blacks don't complain when a white woman marries their son so on the other way around it shouldn't be a problem.

    This man would not have reacted bcus he love white.

  8. I don't know. It's sad that we haven't managed to breed intolerance and bigotry out of the human race yet.

    Stick around here for a few minutes and you'll see an astonishing amount of vituperative resentment against women being throw around as well.

    Some bits of the human race stubbornly refuse to evolve. All we can do is leave them behind in the caves.

  9. Actually there's been a fair bit of violence aimed against Indian/white couples as well. I couldn't say whether it was more than or the same as against other races. Racism is a bizarre thing, really, and one of the worst things about todays society. I think the patterns change depending on where you are in the world.

    Maybe this is to do with the fact Africa overall is still very much percieved as third world country and fairly poor, due to obviously high rate of famine etc - people like to pick on those they think of as weaker than themselves?

  10. It depends on the culture.  However, a lot of racism toward blacks originated from the mindset of Europeans during the time of colonization.  It was believed at that time that blacks and Native Americans were sub-human.  Like Europeans had physically evolved past the stage that these groups had.  Therefore, if they are not fully human, then they aren't far from being apes, or animals of any kind.  Thus, making room for the ideas of slavery and more.  (I'm not saying that everyone thought this way--it is very generalized.)  

    Life has moved on since then.  Knowledge has brought an end to most of these misconceptions.  However, the stigma remains.  It is a heady scar found in many parts of the world.  The US included, obviously.  

    India had a lot of English influence during colonization and is not immune.  So, it is probably something he still might have been inclined to do in his own country.  I don't think that living in the south had a lot to do with it other than he was more likely to find co-conspirators there.  The chances of him feeling so strongly about a white woman for a daughter-in-law are considerably less likely, but not entirely out of question.

    As for America, the stigma seems stronger in the south than other parts of the world, but I'm sure it has to do with slavery followed by bad blood between racial groups.  No matter what you do, this is going to happen after that kind of history.  For example, I know the good intentions of affirmative action.  It is something that was needed in many places.  Many black people were overlooked even when they were the best candidates for jobs.  Then, I have also seen a company hire a black man to fill a quota when a particular white man was better qualified for the job. This kind of thing doesn't help, but it is getting better and more infrequent with time.  (Not fast enough in my opinion-but stigmas are hard to erase.)  

    It isn't going to go away overnight, as is evident by this article.  It makes me mad to read stuff like this.  Then, I see people where I live.  It isn't that uncommon to see mixed marriages anymore.  Most people don't care, or if they do they don't say anything.  This helps further generations.  I notice mixed couples because it wasn't as common when I was a kid.  But my kids only notice it in the way that their own mom has blonde hair and their own dad has dark hair....their friends' parents skin is different colors only as a descriptive with no stigma attached.

    That being said, there are prejudice in all races and cultures.  It is quite normal to have prejudices (not that I agree with prejudices).  Everyone has a prejudice.  Mine are people that see you from across the room and decide they aren't going to like you before they even get to know you, and then they try to make your life difficult.  I lost a job to a person like this once.  I had a hard time getting past my prejudice and being the bigger person before I lost the job.  I have met a few people like this that white, some are black, and some are Chinese.  I'm sure every culture and race has them though.

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