
Why so much talk about global warnings?People need to look at air quality reports during warm months.Ozone,?

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small particle?




  1. its not global warming..its the earth turning around people thats causing an illusion of too much heat.

  2. I think the first poster is confused by your confusing question/statement. You are suggesting that in warm months the air quality is (what?) worse... actually, oddly enough, air quality tends to be worse in winter months (EPA confirms this consistently.)

    Global warming being not man-causede is the debate, right? Do those who consider themselves on one side or another allow themselves the possibility that man cause a portion of the problem. Or are we just supposed to think that factories and cars cause absolutely no harm to the atmosphere.

    As usual, it seems the debate is between logical extremes.

    I think it's safe to say that man has SOME influence on the atmosphere. How could all that industry have zero impact. That defies all logic.

  3. You're preaching to the choir here.  That's what I've been saying all along.  Even if someone could conclusively prove that global warming is not man-made, I would still be in favor of reducing emissions just for the sake of our health and the health of the planet.  When the air quality gets so bad the EPA warns people to stay inside, that's proof enough for me that we need to do our part to reduce the smog.

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