
Why so mutch fear of Europe Union ?

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No one answered politically to that answer. Just childish considerations on wich is the nation with stronger testicles, on Italy having a withe flag forgetting that in Afganistan only USA UK and Holland show at the same time to be able to do the simpliest thing... shooting... and targeting too mutch civils.

You get contributions from UE less than what you put.

Really I did not expected U.S.A. folks where more friendly that you... really thanks to you now I feel more european. Thanks matusalem people. I apologize to U.K. politically correct people that fortunately I know they exist.




  1. The European integration project is something which all Europeans should cherish.

    Do you want your children to live in a world where the only two superpowers are those diseased giants China and the USA.

    The Europeans have shown themselves to be a much more civilised people on a whole range of issues and I fervently hope that a European super state will develop as the dominant superpower in order to lead the world.

    From what I can see the only people who will lose out if a European superpower is born are Prince Charles (who won't become king on England) and the USA/China who will lose their economic might.

  2. "Errrr? I think that the E.U. is a good idea but not as a federal union only as a union of sovereign states."

    Union of sovereign states.... sounds ghastly like the USA.

    The Euro will create the federal union if the EU becomes an economic power.  That economic power must have a governing body to allocate the funds and that body will be separate from the states.

    The states will send representatives to that governing body to vote on how those funds are spent.

    How do you stem the tide of  free market's capitalism creating another monster super power just as it did in the USA?

    One USA is enough, thank you.  Noooooooooo, thank you.  I prefer the freedom of 'state' rule only.

  3. the first and second world war was violent, but the aggressors lost, the germans said "we shall win the peace"

    this meant that they had figured out a peaceful method of war fare, economic and psychological warfare, weopons used are comfort convenience a gravy train for the few, wilst the economy of the many ( INDUSTRY ) is wiped out putting millons out of work.maggi thatcher spelt it out, she said she wanted a service nation, and thats what we are a nation of servants for europes benefit, against the will of the brit people

    dont judge your freedom by your comfort judge by how much influance we have in our own land and over our own laws 80%

    of which comes from europe. we are a captured nation governed by illegal traitors who will turn us into a foreign occupied state, where we once had our own country.

  4. trying to convince them to join the band? you'll never be able

  5. Errrr?  I think that the E.U. is a good idea but not as a federal union only as a union of sovereign states.

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