
Why so painful?

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Why are some people so sensitive to the sound of nails on a chalkboard, but me on the other hand, its never bothered me. Some people seem so painfully sensitive to it. Why is this?




  1. I don't know, i have that too, i can't hear someone screech a chalkboard, i'll loose

  2. It is not exactly painful; just really uncomfortable for most. It's an abrasive sound to the ear that has a really high, uneven frequency that most people aren't exposed to all the time. It causes headaches along with the always uncomfortable "cringes" from things that bother you - everyone is sensitive to something!

  3. we all have our sensory issues -- for some it's certain textures that bother them, for some it's sounds, yet for others, it's tastes or smells.  you might have sensitivities with another of your senses, but this particular sound doesn't bother you.

  4. it's totally depends on our personality.. not everyone same

  5. It's almost a matter of taste.  Some people like red wine some white.  Some like blonds some like brunettes.  Everyone takes in information differently and interprets it uniquely.
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