
Why sociology is a science?

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Why sociology is a science?




  1. Because it ends in ology :)  I think you probably have to be over 35 to get that 1 (remember the old BT ads)

  2. Because sociology is into human behaviours, and it is more difficult study human society than study math or history...

  3. Because sociology is the scientific or systematic study of society, including patterns of social relations, social stratification, social interaction, and culture.  

  4. sociology is a science, it is the science of Society.

  5. It's not. It likes to see itself as a science, yet it rejects the scientific method! There isn't even any agreement among sociologists on what society is, and the fragmentation goes on from there.

    This is a real shame, because sociology could be a really useful science if it pulled itself together and tried to build a solid foundation.

    Psychology is a real science, at least the perception end of it is, and economics is a sort of a science, although the reliance on the assumption that people act rationally seems a bit optimistic. But sociology is just a load of waffle, as far as I (a non-social scientist) can tell.

    They talk about "social theory", but when you investigate there's no theory at all.

    Enough, enough! I don't have any more time to waste on this!  ;-)

  6. It is a pseudo science with no organised methodology and with more answers than questions. A complete waste of time, it has never contributed anything to human happiness and knowledge.

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