
Why some Americans go so far in order to fight for human rights and justice while they could protest here...?

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as people in China are gaining more freedom we are loosing ours here in USA everyday.

if these Americans who are protesting in China were really sincere and against human rights violations why aren't they protesting right here at home? fix and resolve your own problems before interfering with other countries internal issues. fight injustice by example . ie;

or are they simply anti-communist and in a power struggle with the so called communist country and using human rights as an excuse to export their religion and politics ?




  1. Possibly the timing is significant. With security and media at heightened states in China, the platform coincides with an opportunity rarely aligned.

    The focus of US citizens may be on the Olympics, but if the same people attempt to set up protest in the states, less notice given of their stand.

    To incline US citizenry toward distracted, to the point of complacency; the goal of modern FCC media. It is after all a tool of the State. Makes public opinion, or corrupts it, and generates revenue. Old fashioned soap box in the square, taken indoors. Hypnotic.

  2. ask yourself, where did these folks get their funding?  who do they work for?  what is their real interest?  what do they personally gain?  an old political maneuver is to stage a citizens protest in front of another country's embassy.  you've seen these on the news, protesters outside the us embassy somewhere, all carrying signs they cannot read, chanting slogans they do not understand.  this is quite possibly nothing more than the next step.  plenty of press coverage, and an international incident if these foreign "protesters" are arrested by the "repressive communist regime of China."

    i'd like to go see the games myself, i've got the time.  but, there is no way i can afford the cost.  and i certainly wouldn't want to spend the day in jail (or longer) while the all-important synchronized swimming finals are going on.

    and god forbid i miss girls vollyball.

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