
Why some eye-drops dont remove red-eye from smoking (marijuana) ?

by Guest58278  |  earlier

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Why there are some eye-drops that are 100% ineffective removing the red from the eyes after smoking marijuana?

Is there a specific substance to look after in order to buy the right one?

Thanks for the help and please, I don't want to hear you moral thought about smoking.




  1. I do not have a moral thought about smoking pot. I used to do it myself. I choose not to do it anymore. However, the thing with the eyedrops is that not all eye drops are the same. You have figured that one out!  There are ones for allergies, ones that are for contacts, ones that are for dry eye, some that are just to get the red out. Regular plain old Visine to get the red out should work quite fine. The "get the red out" drops have vasoconstrictors that make your blood vessels in your eye smaller. All the other ones do not have that kind of effect becuase they do not have the vasoconstrictor. I do not know specifically what the ingredient is called, but most of this kind of drop will tell you that it is for red eyes.  But, here is the deal, if you are a habitual user, (Of the vasoconstrictor type eye drop...) you can experience what is called the rebound effect with the eye drops. The chemical will cause your eye to become addicted to it and it will rebound by becoming redder when used instead of clearing your eyes up. So, if you are using the "get the red out" drops more than a couple days in a row, you might not be able to clear your eyes up when you are high. Kind of weird huh? So, does that make sense to you? I hope so. But, yeah, some people smoke and some don't. I am not for the legal hassles of prison, and I do not like the health implications of pot smoking for myself, and have more to spend my money on these days.(GAS!)....but that is a decision people have to make for themselves. Learning about the eyedrop thing is something everyone should know, though. I have seen people addicted to eye drops and can not figure out why they won't work anymore for them, and they do not even smoke pot. So. Well. Go figure. Have a great day!

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