
Why some men dont appreciated what they have in life..?

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why are they keep looking around for another women.....

your opinion plz..




  1. I think they do appreciate what they have most of the time, they just want more; usually excitement is what triggers it, they are looking for some excitement in their lives and if they are kept excited then they are easily kept...Not meaning they won't still look at other women and it doesn't mean that they really want another women- is is just the nature of the beast.

    I have been married for 14 years- my husband looks and comments ALL THE TIME about other women. It doesn't bother me because I know he has never cheated ( I can' t say for sure that he WILL NEVER)  but for the present and the past 14 years he will not go anywhere but to work without me, so I am always with him.

    Hope this helps

  2. Sometimes it's like owning a mansion, but there's a window open.  Everything seems like it should be great, but when winter comes the wind blows in and it's freakin' freezing.  The man looks at the window and tries to close it... and finds it's been broken.  Technically everyone else in the neighborhood thinks he's weird because he's always complaining about the d**n temperature in the house, and that he's paying way too much for utilities, and spending way too much time at the hardware store, and obsessing about his house.  They think he has the best house in the neighborhood, why can't he just be happy?  What they don't know is that the one window is broken.  So to everyone else, he looks foolish and narcissistic.  But to him, the whole situation is messed up and he's trying to fix it.

    No woman is perfect, and men will figure out what's broken and get obsessed about it.  When they can't fix it, they get frustrated, and start envying the other houses in the neighborhood where all the windows appear to be closed and all the people look like they're warm... and paying a lot less.  What the man doesn't know, is that THOSE houses all have problems too, they're just different problems.  Dishwashers are broken, furnaces are old, maybe they don't have A/C in the summer.  So the grass looks greener on the other side.  

  3. Men can appreciate what is in their life if whoever or whatever is in their life satisfies them just as it can be the other way around with women.

    People believe men cheat more I do not think it is true I think women just do not get caught as often.

  4. Because it's more fun to like someone than it is to be stuck with them.

  5. some men just cant see when they have a good thing.

    I say "if you dont love me, someone else will"

    funny thing is most the time they realise when its too late

  6. Some think the grass is always greener on the other side.   Some just weren't meant to get married, but they do :(

  7. They have the grass is always greener on the other side syndrome.

  8. Same reason some women don't appreciate what they have...some people are just never satisfied, or they find something suitable and then keep looking for something better.

  9. its not just men that look around for something better. females do the same thing. its harder for some people to be happy with what they have, so they try to look for somethings "better". it's complete human instinct.  

  10. Some people think getting married is the answer for there emptiness's but really a loving relationship with christ is the only way you are ever going to fill the void.

  11. When you're too comfortable you get bored.

  12. some men don't like to have too much of the same thing, but that goes for women too. They want to know if they still have it and if they do how long can they continue to play with it.

  13. is it men or women who doesn't appreciate  what they have?

  14. Because they always keep looking for something better thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. However, the lawn needs to be mowed no matter what side they choose to be on!!!!!!!!!!! They'll never wake up and by the time they do it's usually too late in the relationship to save it.

  15. its not just men trust me, i have close friends who are female that are the same,

    Someone once said to me that a person can never truly be with another person for the rest of their lives if they either feel like theyre missing out or settleing for that person.

    I think too many people are in relationships because its easy and not nessacerly the right person for them to be with. Its  like a job what seems right at one point in your life isnt guranteed to be right at any other point

  16. Most men not all, are looking for the next best thing. They want their cake and eat it too, as have some fun and not get caught...

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