
Why some people are poor?

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I don't know so please tell me why...




  1. Because human beings are cold, selfish creatures. For example, during Christmas, some people would rather go on a shopping spree and waste thousands of dollars on useless **** like ipods and cellphones, while completely ignoring those in need all around the world. If everyone turned off their TV's and stopped being brainwashed by all the advertisement and propaganda, then the world would be a better place for all humans, and all living creatures.

  2. well to tell you the truth nobody wants to be poor its because the world has hard jobs to come by.

  3. Well, for some people in other more economically challenged country's and continents  they just don't have any money, and if there is anybody to employ them who does have money they can only pay, or will only pay, tiny amounts.  Thus, if they wanted to save up money for anything they would have to starve to death.  Some people are also poor because they have disabilities and can't work.

  4. They have no money

  5. Life is a long series of decisions. People who are perpetually poor in this country (USA) are so because of poor decision making. The USA is truly the land of oppertunity but only for those who set out to work for it.

  6. No education, degree or discipline to save. This is the land of opportunity!

  7. some people donate all their money to charity and live poor because they want to help the environment by not using electricity or driving

    also, some drop out of school and don't get a proper education and then can't find jobs

  8. I don't know about the rest of the world but if you look at the poverty levels in the U.S. they have risen quite a bite in the past 7 yrs, personally I think it has alot to do with the illegals coming here in droves working for substandard wages, and taking away jobs that should be ours to begin with, probably has something to do with the current administration siding with big business

  9. They spend more than they make.  If you can't afford kids, dont have kids.  If you can't afford a TV, dont have a TV.  etc.  Its not rocket science.

  10. because of politics and government. Goverment official sometimes just forget about poor people. some reasons to are no money and hard to find work or some people comes from poor people too.

  11. Well,they are poor because they are unable to provide themselves and their families with the basic requirements of life - food, clothing and shelter.This is because they lack money as a result of illiteracy, unemployment,or belonging to a poor family in addition to the former, excess of population of a country may lead to the above mentioned reasons, which in turn may lead to poverty.

    Hope this helped!!!

  12. Sometimes it is because of where they were born.  

    For example if instead of giving someone a fish, you teach them to fish, but they have no lake and no fishing pole or net, they still will not have food.

  13. Cuz of the high taxes.

    With thanx to Mr Bean

  14. there are lots of reasons. for some, they've become their own worst enemy because of the choices they make.  some are terminally stupid. some are psychologically twisted and being poor is the indirect effect.

  15. In this country, one major component of poverty is illness. I have a college degree, am a hard worker, gotten many work awards/recommendations for attitude, etc. I developed a chronic illness, and now can't completely take care of myself, let alone work more than 10 hrs a week at my wonderfully flexible job. I know others who have lost their homes due to illnesses such as cancer, others due to an accident that wasn't their fault. Yes, there are many, many causes of poverty. Quite a few involve personal decisions where something else is more important than supporting themselves (abused backgrounds, drug use, family training, preferred life style). The causes where a person has little control over the situation are the most frustrating (catastrophic illness/accident, job loss, theft, natural disaster).

    It takes surprising little to knock someone down what they are trying to get out of poverty! I know this first hand, when much saved-for treatments failed to succeed, or an unexpected bill took some savings I was planning would start me on a new financial recovery course. You would be amazed at how many people stop trying to get up after a while!

    You won't get a simple answer for this question. The reasons are as numerous as the people involved. I just wanted this aspect to be mentioned.

    Merry Christmas.

  16. wow....your special

  17. You are poor compared to B. Gates.   You are rich compared to an African bushman; at least economically.   I don't make much money, yet am richer than most americans.   I have money in the bank and  no debt or bills because I don't want much.   The basics are taken care of and thats good enough for me.    Want less and anyone can be rich.

  18. Bad choices and/or bad luck.

  19. can't find a job, no money...not home....its sad

  20. i think for alot of people it is hard to pay the bills because they arn't getting paid enough or they can't keep their job

  21. cos if everyone were rich then this question wouldn't exsist, thats why people are poor.

  22. Because my parents are divorced my mom never went to college and just got a ged in 2004 so she makes less than 10$ an hour and she has a car payment of 365 that she got before the divorce and other bills and supports me!

  23. several reasons

    1 greedy people take all the money which means other people will have less money - eg people like Donald Trump got rich by taking little bits of money from everyone of us

    2 poor people who have kids keep the cycle of poverty going.. if poor people simply didnt have kids (or at least had fewer kids) then the kid they had would be better off as the families money would be focused on one person rather than spread thin on many..

    3 wealth cannot exist without poverty...

    4 some people choose poverty

  24. So long as you realize that 'poor' is a state of mind, NOT an economic condition.

    The lack of money can be cured by work and perserverence but 'poor' saps ambition and destroys motivation.

    For examples of 'poor', see the U.S. welfare rolls.

    For examples of 'less than optimal economic condition', see those who work for a living.

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