
Why some people die early in age or late in age?

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Why some people die early in age or late in age?




  1. In the end, it comes down to genetics.

    Diet and exercise help, but its all about what your body is coded to do.

    You can be a vegetarian and run 5 miles a day, but if your genes are coded for cancer, there's not much you can do.

  2. I also wish that I knew the answer, but only God would be able to answer that for you. All I know is that everything does happen for a reason in our lives. Good or bad we always learn something that helps us to be better people, and time does heal all hurts.

  3. There are many causes of death that have little or nothing to do with age.  Some people die in traffic accidents which has little to do with age, except for young men under 30.  Some people die from warfare, where the soldiers may be young but the civilians are of mixed ages.  Good genes may help, but they are not deterministic about the age of death.

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