
Why some people get sad when they tell them there is no god?

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just tell me how you feel




  1. Some people do not actually understand why other people thinks there's no God. There is a God the way that most people look at it. There is a God and there is gods. The reason why children that are 18 or under thinks there's no God because they have been living in a place where they are taught God doesn't exist. God does exist from my point of view. People don't get sad they just thinks it's a disgrace that somebody would say there isn't a God. People just got to understand that it's the place where people was raised to have their own beliefs.  I do not belief though to tell people they are going to h**l because they don't believe in God. The reason why because people that don't believe in God and they get this reaction from somebody that is a Christian they are going to be haunted by Christians. Try to do a lot more encouraging than insulting.  Thanks

  2. thats like telling a child there is no santa

  3. idk.  maybe they are sad they're wasted time worshiping a fake person.

  4. I think "God" is a concept.....everyone has some form of God....even if they don't believe in "God" they believe in something. Believing in still believing in something.

  5. THere is a God,and if you dont believe in it then your soul will burn eternily in h**l..I believe in my God

  6. because that is there faith it is part of the reason they get up in the morning most people like to think there is a higher power watching over them they like the idea of having something to look forward to after death me personally i don't believe in god but I'm not here to pass judgment i respect every one right to believe is what they wont

  7. Because they have believed in it so strongly and for so long that God is now a very precious friend of theirs. So if you tell them there is no God, it is almost like attempting to take away their most valued possesions, and you know how that feels!

    You will have to offer them someone or something else that is better than God before they can forgive You.  Until then, they will not only be sad, they will also be upset with you.

  8. I would say why do new inventions lead to more newer improved inventions and answers that scientists find lead to more questions?  Why will there never be a day when the radio will say "Sorry folks all the songs have been written and there isn't going to be anymore new ones." I'll let you answer first and tell me how you feel. Then, I answer you after I've counted all the numbers.

  9. Well, there is no point whatever in "telling" someone that there is no god.

    Whether a person believes in deities is strictly a decision process that individual must personally experience.

    The simple act of telling somebody something involving metaphysics achieves nothing whatever.

    When we are asked to accept something for which there is no evidence most of us have no problem with this. Many of us are unable to...just believe... that for which no verifiable evidence exists. Such a method of deciding things, for example, does not work well for me.

    If someone makes a statement to me regarding ideas, beliefs, suppositions, claims or formally established religious dogma, such statements fall on very suspicious ears.

    If a knowledgeable person says, "do not mix those two chemicals in a closed room", I will listen to this until I have a chance to research the statement.

    When I am asked to accept a pre-historic idea regarding super-beings, I am left with zero motivation for such irrationality

  10. If there was no God that would mean no one created us. Then what would happen when we die? Where would we go? Would we just rot in the ground and that's it? Doesn't sound very fun to me.

  11. I have once read a phrase,

    "If there is no God, it would be necessary to invent Him"

    I guess most human feel like it is a necessity to worship a superior being which rules they can refer to when they want to live their daily lives.

  12. For the same reason that people become sad when they don't win the "Lottery"...

    Everyone is waiting for that ONE BIG PAYOFF, which is never going to come...

    When I get sucked into this expectation, I realize it's just a big illusion, and then it's time to get back to work...

  13. There could be thousands of reasons one is that maybe they feel so sure that there is a god and for those that don't believe in him will go to h**l, so there basically thinking that You will go to h**l for saying such a thing. Which would make them very sad.

    Another way is if they greatly respect and admire the person that told them this. Especially if that person believes in god and to hear this from someone so highly regarded could just rock there world so to speak.

  14. People like that feel the need to believe in some higher power, they feel their life has no meaning without that belief.

  15. probably because there is.

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