
Why some people think that Muslims should not live in India?

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muslims are also the part of India,this is one of the good thing of india that their is every type of religion found.So,why every one wants to remove Muslims?




  1. Muslims constitute most of the worlds terrorists (no offence please).

    People including indians hate terroroists


  2. Partition was made on the basis of Hindus and Muslims.For Muslims it was Pakistan and for Hindus Hindustan.

    Muslims had no basis to live in India and vice versa.

    Had India been strict, there would have been no terrorists strikes in India, no kashmiri muslims secessionists clammoring for Pakistan etc etc

  3. Because terrorists who kill in the name of " Allah" has given the muslims who try to live in a loving manner a bad name. Alot people now days, look at islam with discontent because of that. However, if your looking for an islamic response, it is because Islam is the one true religion and the world will reject God.




  5. I knw dear Muslims are an integral part of india and the have contributed to it a lot..

    I think its because of the increase in terrorist activties in India by some so called muslims...

    I dont have any problem with any religion.

  6. The truth is that the only difference between and Indian [Hindu] and a Pakistani [Muslim] is their choice of religion.   In the main, each of these nationalities are one people of common stock, other than the ancient northern and southern people part of which was living on the sub-continent for a very long time, and the invaders or migrants who came in from the north many years ago, who have kept most of their ancient identities in a separation imposed by the Hindu caste system, that disfavoured the original Dravidians.  

    The reason for the creation of Pakistan after Indian dependence on the British Empire was declared, is that Hindus and Muslims, egged on by militant bigots on either side of the faith divide hated their opposite brethren and wanted to kill them off.  This led to many bitter and bloody battles as religious factions armed themselves and killed their 'enemies' believing that they were purifying the land from heathens.

    That is one basic reason that Hindus want Muslims gone, and one reason why Hindus in Pakistan are often the target for violence from Muslim fundamentalists.

    Neither side holds the moral high ground in this and similar situations where open conflict and hatred exist between discrete nationalities, faiths, and other artificial distinctions used as reasons to attack those who are perceived as being 'other.'

    Your propositional question is flawed because not 'every one' wants to rid India of Muslims.


  7. We Hindus see God even in lowliest creatures. So that way we do not see any difference in Muslims. But by their acts and ghetto mentality Muslims have established they do not deserve the generocity of Hindu philosophy. Following are some examples.

    1) No minority in India has ever claimed a home land in the name of religions. On the contrary world minorities like Parsis, Jews and Bhutiyas of Sikkim have made India their home without fear of persicution from Hindus. They have maintained their belief systems, customs and culture. They never felt any such insecurity.

    2) Since Muslims claimed, fought and got the home land in Pakistan, they had no right what so ever to stay back in India. One should not forget that the percentage poll of referendum by Muslims in favour of Pakistan in entire India was 99.80%. Those who stayed back were opportunists and blatantly immoral. Even then Hindus accepted secularism against theocracy and allowed Muslims to stay back with more rights then Hindus.

    What happened to Hindus in Pakistan? In Bengal they were reduced from 33% in preindependence era to 7% now. And in Pakistan they are reduced fron 23% to blow 1%. What happened to them?

    3) They never really mixed with mainstream society of India like other minorities did.

    4) They never cared for sentiments of majority community or never respected law of land.

    5) Dispite the fact that their religion is frozen in time since last 1500 years, they go on boasting about superiority of their religion. Actually it is redundant on the logical scale since long back.

    6) Faith is the matter of internal evolution. All the Abrahmic religions have tried to make it a regimented force with global designs. Islam and Christianity is reduced to political entities. They are useless for spiritualism or internal evolution. One good thing I can not resist myself from expressing is that most Pakistani elits have started feelling this void in their heart But not Indian Muslims.

    7) They prefer conversion in one direction only. If let loose and fear of death is removed from their heads they would jump Islam as if there is no tomorrow.

    8) Their contempt for every thing Indian is not secret.

    Inspite of all above I still feel that outstanding personalities from Muslim community have contributed greatly to Indian society. But they could do so because they were rooted with Indian culture and Philosophhy. Dr. Abdul Kalam is disciple of Vivekanand and read Geeta rergularly. Bismillakhan developed himself from the Balaji temple of Banaras.

    This can not be expected from a Madressa educated Muslim mass.

    Pakistan succcessfully eliminated Hindus. But the voids left by Hindus are still not filled.

    We want Muslims to stay in India to be a part of Panorama. If rain bow is painted with single colour, be it green or saffron, it would no longer be Panorama. We can not allow Muslims to paint it green.

  8. From my observation after living in 4 continents, Muslims are not welcomed in any Non Muslim lands.

  9. The trouble makers should be sent out across the border.....and if they live they should obey the law of the land. they should not be allowed to have their sharia law when they live in india. once an indian the india law applies.  

  10. when a property is divided among brothers they usually take their share and move . they r not expected to leave their children with other brother. even if other brother is good and allow his children to be with them then these children  r supposed to live in harmony not by claiming that family's properties and killing them .

    got it!

  11. everyone wants to remove muslims???? everyone one of non-muslims in india???? this is the first time i have heard that. not the hindus I know want muslims to be driven out of India.

    there r communal hindus in india who want non-hindus out of india. they want conversion to be banned and all muslims and chrisitans (most muslims and christians in india are converts from hinduism) to reconvert to hindusism. these communal hindus are now killing christians in the indian state of Orissa and killing muslims in gujarat.

    so your question is incorrect.

    BTW, comment by one person here that pakistan was for muslims and india for hindus is wrong. Muslims who wanted pakistan got it and left for pakistan. India was declared a secular state and non-hindus including muslims who did not want pakistan but wanted to stay with India stayed back. nowhere it was wrtitten that india was for hindus and non-hindus should leave the country.

  12. I don't know when it started there but most of the traditional religions of India have a history of oppressing those in other religions, particularly those in the minority. For example, Christians often have their churches and houses burned down. This happens in many places in the world, not just India.

    You remember that Christianity and Islam came to India much later than Hinduism so many Indians feel that Hinduism is their ancestral  religion and the rest are just upstarts.

    Plus both Islam and Christianity make truth claims that anger many traditional Hindus.

    Some forms of Islam are militant and this scares people in the other groups. But you can be as peaceful as Mother Teresa and someone will try to oppress you in the name of religion.

    Hope this answers your question!


  13. Its not true that all indians wants muslims to abandon india, but the problem is most of the muslims are extremists. they are not only hated in india but 75% of the world hates muslims bcoz they r terrorists, other than israil most of the terrorism is caused by islam.

    Let us live together as friends respecting each other, but please dont cause terrorism in india or in world. go and see in indonesia how much friendsly and happily muslims and hindus stay there,,,,,the mentality of muslims in india should change. they should stop asking for breaking india in to peaces and assign all those lands to dirty pakisthan  

  14. partition  happened  cos  the  muslims  of  undivided india voted  fr  it.pakistan was  born  as  a  result- a country  fr  the  muslims. so  is it  not  logical  to  expect  them  to  go  and live there?  if  only  sardar patel  was  PM instead  of  nehru . he  would  have  ensured  that  all muslims  left  india.and  now  thanks  to nehru's wishy washy policies, india suffers  frm  riots  and  bomb blasts every now & then.

  15. When India was partitioned prior to getting indepence , the partition was based on religion. Pakistan that was carved out of India became a purely islamic state and quite a lot of mulims migrated to that state.

    India chose to be a secular state though majority of people followed Hindu religion. This may be the reason why some people think that muslims ought to be in the state which was carved out exclusively based on their religion. This view is ,however, not shared by many since muslims are also part of India as many others who follow other religous beliefs .

  16. All Indian Muslims who put islam before India should leave India and go to Pakistan or any other muslim country. India wants only those who are proud to be Indians first.

    The muslims in Jammu & Kashmir who want independence or want to be a part of Pakistan should be kicked out of India and sent to Pakistan or any other muslim country of their choice. If they want to live in Jammu and Kashmir then the muslims there better live as Indians. Enough is enough.

  17. Every one has his own emotions and logics to support it. Emotions are relative to formation, grooming and environment the individual is with. Logics depend upon the knowlege and mood. Hence, nothing can be generalised. Let them think the way they want to! The fact is that no community is going to get wiped out, and the people from either community, religion and belief must learn to co-exist.

  18. Becuase we already had to forfeit Pakistan and Bangladesh to you, and you STILL want more land even though you don't rightfully own it. The Kashmir belongs to India, if you want a totally indiscriminate India why don't you get rid of YOUR segregated states that where created for YOUR convenience and stop complaining even though you where given more then what your people deserve, Sikhs had their land HALVED for your needs, and you still want to live in land which doesn't want you, even though OTHERS had to pay for YOUR benefit! Muslims are truly ungrateful and petty!

  19. Some non- muslims may think like that because of the activities of the  terrorist Muslims  just like many Muslims thinking that other religions , particularly Hinduism should not exist in India !.

    The world should have people of all types .

  20. 100% proof that God exists!

  21. I am a muslim and I don't believe that muslims should not live in India. A LOT of people are ignorant and extremely anti-islamic, but that is their problem not ours. Those stereotypes are wrong. A lot of things are debatable. There are some bad muslims out there but there are bad people of many kinds and you can't label people.  Everyone is free to live their lives the way they please...

  22. Although all muslims r not terriorist but remember all the terriorist in

    911 and in the middle east pakistan most in india were muslims and

    those people have given bad name to all muslims.

    But indians should not forget that in fight with british hindu ,muslims,sikh everybody took part to get india free but now days

    muslims have bad reputation due to all those sucide bombings and

    killing of thousand of innocent peoples around the world and none of the muslim leaders r doing anything to clear there image.

  23. Apprently they have guards on the border of pakastain and india and they just shoot any Muslim the cross over.

    Why cant we do that  

  24. not only india the hole world is for muslims..........

    so if there is any one thinking like this then i think he or she hi just an idiot  

  25. I am also a muslim and I think that India is for Muslims also.

    Some peoples think that the muslims should not live in India  because they think muslim is the second name of terrorism and the police also arrest only muslims for any bomb blasts etc.But they not even try to solve the case properly and arrest the muslims and all the citizens don't think that if anyone murders a man or a woman the GOD  will never forgive him and the main thing is that a person, whether he is a muslim or a hindu, who kills anyone is not a muslim or a hindu but he is a devil.

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