
Why some persons are able to lie and play with another person feelings?

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Why some persons are able to lie and play with another person feelings?




  1. There not very nice people. they say what goes around comes around. They'll get there turn.

  2. Cause they don't have a conscience. And they like to have power and they lie to get what they want no matter the consequence.

  3. You can't stop people from lying but you can control how they hurt you by choosing to ignore them. Your feelings get hurt only if you let them do it to you.  You are in control of your own feelings.

    This is one reason why it is important to associate with positive people and not those who think negatively all the time.

  4. because they posess the art of manipulation, I dont know weather it is more of a curse than a Gift.

  5. I think it's a kind of sickness.  You have to be cruel and have limited empathy to do this.  Having limited empathy is associated with mental disorder.

    I know someone who does this, and I'm sure he has something wrong with him.  It seems so abnormal to watch, I can't understand what pleasure he gets from doing it.

  6. Its a game for the Lord´s sake. I think it was Lord Acton who said that if a lie is known to be a lie then it ceases to be a lie.Do you really want to go around telling people exactly what you feel about them?

  7. Its  called  life  ,  some  people  are  stronger  than  others  they  may  not  know  it  but   its  in  thier  genetic make up  ..and  dont  mean  to  lie  or  such  just  happens  ,some  are  weak  some  stupid  some  just  the  so  called  norm  one  knows  really  ...most  of  us  just  go  with  the  flow  ..good  luck  

  8. Different reasons. Because they're manipulators. They have nothing better to do or they think they're being cool to someone. Either themselves or someone else. Also, to get something out of them.

  9. Some people lie but the only person responsible for your feelings is you.

  10. Who really knows why people do and say the meaniest things to others. People can be so cruel.. Don't let them know that it bugs you or don't hang with them anymore.. Sides show me a liar I'll show you a theive and you really don't need that bad enuff just for the sake a bf? best of luck

  11. because they can & sometimes the 'victim' allows it to happen too

  12. Because they are dishonest people, and one should not believe a word they say.  They lie to get what they want.  They lie to try and make people like them.  They lie to deceive and they lie to hide other lies.  They do not care about another persons' feelings.  If you are in this kind of relationship, I would sincerely suggest that you run, not walk to the nearest door.  The dishonest person will never change, and the only person who can change YOUR life is yourself.  I would not want to live in such negative, uhappy, circumstances, in fact I chose not to with my firt husband.   You can never trust a person who does this and they will continue to hurt you for as long as you allow them to.  It is entirely up to you, not them, YOU.

  13. Becuase they are dumb.

    Its never right to play with someone's feelings.

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