
Why some women complain about inequality?

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According to who? Most Muslim women I know have at least a Bachelor's degree and are very educated. They are given the right to work if the husband isn't able to make enough though. But education is a must, on both sides.




  1. I honestly beleive that Muslim women have a strong case to complain about their treatment in Muslim societies, inequality being one of them.  Islam gave them freedom and they deserve so much more than what is 'allowed' to them by a patriarchal system.

    To work or not to work should be a matter of personal choice and need and must not be decided for them.

    I would never complain about Islam or its laws but will raise protest when the fair name of Islam and Shariah are used to justify tribal and conservative rituals and customs.

  2. I don't complain about Islam.

    But I do complain about people not respecting my own decisions and forcing their extremist beliefs on me.

    Anyways I work full time and make my own money and I feel good about it.

  3. I dont complain about any of that, I totally agree with it and i think its a beautiful thing for women to care for their family.  I just dont believe or agree with wearing hijab. Im totally cool with everything else. A women is supposed to take care of the children she gave birth to, and i dont see why she wouldnt want to be with her lovely kids all the time. If a husband prefers to work, then the woman should watch over the kids. Women should do the cooking and cleaning as well, but ofcourse he should remember how hard his mom worked for him and his father and the family. As long as they both respect each others roles.  I totally agree with you, i dont see why they should complain. Women are affectionate and sensitive people that should be doing these things to care for their family, and men are the stronger and less vulnerable ones, so they should be doing the other stuff, unless they are both fine with switching roles. Otherwise, women are better at somethings, and men are better at other things. thats how it is. No reason to fight it.

    sister Im very aware of the verse, i just dont think its anyones place to tell me wat to cover or how to cover, unless i choose to. Theres no reason for me to, if i personally dont feel like its necessary for me to, and i really dont. so I'll let Allah (SWT) be the judge of that.  : )

    Let me tell u dear sis, ive worn it several times, i have no problem with commitment, but i dont think its necessary. Im not going to sit here and lie and tell u otherwise. Im sorry it sounds strange to you, but u will not understand, and im not the same as many other muslims so it is between me and my creator, but i really appreciate your concern.

    JazakAllah khair    : )


  4. Salam for you Rumaitha. Yes there are some women complain about inequality not because its syaria law which is not fair but its practice is not in line with syaria law.Women mostly are clever in talking,

    ,talking and they do not aware of their own rights and obligations,So

    me husbands maybe against with syaria law so their wives made a complain or they are always unsatisfied because there is no limit.Wi ves in Islam are free to work at the office if their husbands give its approval. for generating their income. THey are no need to do the house works only including feeding and raising children at home just the example of SITI HADIJAH the wife of Muhammad pbuh who was the the rich trader woman.The wife should protect the wealth so she could touch it.

  5. LOL I complain becuase I have to work ;p

  6. every good answer brother Abdul HArith

    Sister, Allah the Most Wise, The Most Just as made perfect laws.

    now its up to people, how they want to take it.

    there are some people who love this world more then akhira and Allah has warned them a lot in the Quran.

    there are also sisters who love the Role Allah has given them and Alhumdulliah i am one of them. I reverted and never worked after i got married although i am educated. Bocz i know Allah has control over everything not money.

    May Allah guide us all

  7. This is what happens when a person does not know their roles.

    We've seen a sudden change in women who now want the roles of men whilst Allaah did not create them in that way. You see many women abandon their homes for what? To go out and wear suits and spend more hours in the office than their husbands. So the television raises the children.

    Men and women are not equal and they were not created equal. When you start to see a man lactating (not by scientific modifications), then think about equality.  


    "Adnan": I did not say women should "not" work, but I said that when you have the husband providing for the family (which is his duty) then you have some women who still go out to work even more than their husbands leaving their duties as wives. So I suppose now the men should some how start breast feeding their children?

    And this does not mean that Doctors who are women should stop.

    It's not a sexist view at all. Mankind was created with roles, fulfill them and don't transgress. If a mother fulfills her roles and works, then there's no harm in this. But then don't complain about it.

    People are seriously ungrateful with what Allaah created them as. These days we see the men acting like women and the women acting like men.

  8. Hi Rumaitha =)

    Personally I have never complained about Islam's laws regarding women. This is because I know the reason why we cover up and take care of children. I think that women tend to complain the most. I mean all they do is talk talk talk (Feminists do not continue reading).. Even if you satisfy them, they will still dig deep and find something to complain and talk about.

    So the complaints will never end. And I don't see why women should complain in the first place. We are given so many rights and the freedom of so many things that it seems impossible to complain if you ask me.

    But I also understand whom you are referring to. The ones that should actually protest on something much more important than what they already winge about :D


    Roah =I

  9. every1 is only human. complaining is a normal thing. the scary ones are those who actually mean it ;P

    also, men complain as well. ALMOST everyone complains.

    thats life.

    edit: true, but also. complaining about islam.

    i haven't seen that anywhere except online. not saying it doesn't happen, but i guess people are just depressed at life sometimes and blame what's e z. (in their case islam)

    i aint generalizing but thats wat some people tend to do.

    edit: u dn't understand wat i mean. if ur arabic then the word im looking for is itfashash... they blame it. its not that they disagree with islam. but when they got all the school/peer/family pressure, they feel like the only thing they can do is come online and blame what they find (y!a, Ramadan... islam)

    im not saying its right. but its just wat happens

  10. I don't complain, I prefer chilling at home ;)

    And no man in my family has taken out the trash, it's always us girls!! :P

  11. Agreed.  But I think this complaining comes from two main sources; general ignorance and culture.  For some muslim women, they have a good education, but when it comes to islam they know very little.  I get shocked especially with women who were raised as Muslims in a Muslim country and yet some very basics about islam they do not know.  The second group reject or complain about aspects of islam because in their culture these things are not the norm (the hijab for example) and they do not want to accept that their culture is wrong so they keep saying such things have no place in islam.  And also keeping with the cultural aspect, sometimes cultural practices are the opposite of what islam says specifically when it comes to issues pertaining to women.  So if a culture for example condones treating women badly, sometimes the women attribute this to islam instead of culture.  I see this particularly to be the case with people who have left islam.

  12. Rumathia the reason why they do not complain about not working is because they do not posses the qualities to work.

    Rumatha- I meant the women in this section. Not Muslims as a whole. Sorry for not clarifying my point clearly enough.

    Abul Harrith- Muslim women that work do more than just working in the office. Some such as doctors save lives. Are you telling me Muslim women who are doctors should quit their job and just stay at home?

    I cannot believe people are agreeing with Abul's sexist views.

  13. the answer

  14. Salam sister,great qstn..I hope i talk to the point..

    I am very well aware of all rights Allah and our Prophet9pbuh) gave us..But I am totally against all what is happening in today's muslim society.WHY?bcoz today's Islamic laws have nothing much in common what Quran talks about(im not a Quran-only gal,just for instance you think ottherwise:))

    Im not concerened about "working or stay-home mom"..Its all about choice.But if a woman wants to work outside,why and what is there a need to deny it?there is no point in generalizing.There are many women out there who don't care for husband ,kids and family as a whole,even being a 'stay at home mom".Also,there are many ladies out there who neglect family as a whole,bcoz they are just career oriented.Again,there is a lot of women who lead a balancing life,caring for both family and career.

    Im not working now.But anytime i wish to,who will and why should somebody tell me,"No,stay home".?????????

    Equality is not just about working dear.

    Can I ask you why can't a woman conduct marriage?Did Allah say anything about that?Why can't women become witnesses while conducting marriages?I agre with Allah's law of testimony 1 man=2 women.But that is for financial purpose,since we are not familiar in that filed.But then again,a  female business graduate from a business school os more worth than an illiterate business man.

    Can I ask you why man can easily rant triple talaq and do divorce while women ahve to go a long process,also in some cases,can't appear in court and has to keep a maharm to talk for her.Will she get jsutice if soembody els etalks for her?

    Also,why is it that if a woman initaites divorce,she won't have right for alimony or kids.How can then she escape from an abusive relationship,provided she keeps her right?

    also,can I ask why is it that sharia law doesn't require consent of first wife for second marriage?I agree,polygamy is good in many cases.Even if it is about marrying a widow,why is it that the first wife is not taken into concern.Is she not a human being with her own emotions?

    Do you know any Islamic laws regarding that makes concerns about domestic violence?

    Also in many parts,especially in India,women can't pray in masjid.I agree that home is a better place for owmen.But why is she denied the right when she wants to.Women during Prophet's time prayed in masjids.Why is it chnaged now??

    Many more dear...


    Its been an hour.Why nobody is making comments on my answer..The one who thumbed down,pls tell me where did i tell lie..i am ready to correct myself...

  15. salam,

    sis u should not generalize ! not all women complain about that .. i mean i don't !  .. and there r some women who do as well as the men !  

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