
Why some yahoo! groups close down so often?

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Some yahoo! groups, according to my observation, close down quite a lot of times. Then the starter of the group re-creates a group, then somehow the group closes again after some time. The duration of the group existing also differs quite a lot, sometimes lasting for a few months, sometimes not even a few days.

who actually decides the group should shut down? are people reporting groups that they find abusive?




  1. number of reasons why groups shut down, and most times it's the creator/ owner of the group that does it. sometimes they click and it was not intended (although it takes a few pages to delete a group) many say they didn't know that's what they were doing. sometimes they click a setting that's not reversible and then just start over.

    sometimes an owner appoints a moderator or two and gives them ful privileges, and the mod wants to be top dog and deletes the group, then creates another just like it.

    when someone reports abuse, Yahoo has to verify that abuse before they delete a group. if Yahoo doesn't find violations of their TOS, they wont delete a group. I'm sure they get a ton of complaints via rival groups. some rival groups will plant a file or link and then report to Yahoo- group owners really need to kepp up on their files, links and photo area's to prevent this.

  2. There can be many reasons, a lack of interest from members, no new members, members who who don't like the way a group is run  and then start their own group and try and pirate members. If the owner doesn;t see any success in sight they may just figure it isn't worthwhile.  As you know, the pay is lousy.

  3. I don't know definitively why this happens but, from my experience, I can tell you why I think it happens.  I've been in a couple of groups that start out just fine.  Then, after a short time, I start getting innundated with spam from various members in the group trying to get me to invest in stuff I'm not interested in, job offers for MLM items and other such nonsense.  I ended up cancelling my membership in the group just to avoid the spam.  I would imagine if this happens to others, they would drop out as well and the group would simply desolve.

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