
Why south asia people like to say that they are Aryan?

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Well, I'm not racist but what I've seen on flickr sit. and a lot of chatting boards even on yahoo, there are a lot of Indian people doing thing like this?

for example, on the flickr site. posting the set of picture calling "Beautiful Indian kids". awhile all of the Indian childrens in the set must having green eyes, lighter hair, lighter skin so they would fall into "beautifull childs"?. now come back to yahoo answer? when someone asking the question "why do asian people having squint eyes?" there always be the Indian people answered " Not Indian, Indian aren't including into those squint eyes like east asian , we are aryan come from the north of himalayan mountian." now listen to what I've heard when I visited the Indian movie store. the chinese saller who was the assisstant isn't working there anymore so I asked the owner of the shop. " where is that girl who is the saller here?" then the Indian saller who's the owner of the shop said to me. " Do you mean the ugly girl with the slit eyes? nope she isn't here anymore."

Indeed, lately I don't feel nice about Indian people like I used to.

Please take a look at the comments of the Indian girl who claims that The Indian people with light skin and color eyes got aryan anchestors. here's the link.

But why They never mention about the look of marjority of Indian people whom look like this picture below.




  1. Becuz there ancestors mixed alot.

    Gosh. it happens in asia and africa....lots of ppl tend to inherit those sort of chareteristics from decades even centuries ago..thats why it amy not be considered the norm.

  2. The term Aryan wasn't originally used to describe white people.

  3. Aryan race is just another race and races dont exist beyond just those words race does not exist unless name me all the races and with the genetics to differentiate them solidly from others.

    Aryans are just a word

  4. Because they wanna be white, just the same like mexican people wanted to have spanish ancestors. you know it always like that in the under developing country............. its called classicalsystem.

  5. the term aryan are a people that ARE from the middle east.... they spread from northern india to as far as some parts of europe.

    he stole the term and packaged it as his own... he stole a lot of things... land... lives... a lot.

    it's like when you go to mexico and the people insist they have spanish ancestors.... everyone wants to be white because then maybe they will be accepted more.

    usually the real hispanics are found in south america, especially countries like argentina & colombia.... cuba too.

  6. The term Aryan was stolen by the n***s during WWII, but the original Aryans ARE from northern Indian, Iran, and Afghanistan. That term originally referred to people from that region of Asian, not to Germanic people at all.  

  7. Aryans originated from parts of Asian and the middle east, just as the first post stated. I heard the same when we studied Asian American Studies in the Indian section.  

  8. why not just take a hint from me, a cnadian. we up here are all just that, canadians. race is not such an issue, bit it sure seems to be elsewhere. ever since i gpt the internet, and started to I.M, and such it becomes more apparent. how frequently i have contacts refering to race, ie; i just went shopping with my black friend sally. my g*y friend steve drove us then we went for a burger with emil, he's mexican!i could care less what race they are, but i notice you forgot to tell me what colour car you rode in! rare if ever that us canucks do that. ever hear me refer to doug as my overweight friend, terry as my L*****n friend, chris as my bald friend, or ryan as my first nations pal? no, so if more people followed this example then racism would be a thing of the past during our life-time. no offense my friend, but even this question is some-what, racist, narrow minded,and judgemental.

  9. Because it's true.  I'm not exactly sure about the specifics and science behind it, but it's basically true.  I'll explain what I know for sure.  Basically, IRANIANS are the first Aryan people.  So, really, Aryan doesn't mean like, n**i-white-German-European-white people.  It's it's own thing, and white people stole it.  =/  Aryan is referring to Iranian people.  Aryan -----> Aria  ------> Iran.  And Iran used to be the Persian Empire, and that is the biggest Empire that has EVER existed in all of human history.  American schools wouldn't probably teach you that because they hate on Iranians.  Either way, the Persian empire was huge and it was also part of Africa and East and South Asia.  I mean, Iran IS in Asia.  Anyway, a lot of those people in South and East Asia have a same background heritage as Iranian people and therefore are Aryan.  Aryan should be taken to mean more of people's general ancestry and not as, "a person with white skin and light eyes,"  because that's COMPLETE bull-s-h-i-t.  I know my whole thing was sloppy and didn't explain all the details, but that's pretty much the jist of it and I'm sure with that bit of info, you can find out more about what I really mean.  

  10. What is SO great about being an ARYAN RACE?, Is it just because stupid hitler mention it that is a superior race. I mean fuc% that. For ur information the germans are never an aryan race, the aryan race could be someone from north india and basically they are an INDIAN race. So aryan race is MADE OUT, full of bullshit theory these days.

    The Europeans are good in architecture, The Arabs are good in math, The Chinese are good in Invention.

    So who is exactly the aryan race?

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