
Why soybeans is a protein?

by Guest57270  |  earlier

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Why soybeans is a protein?




  1. Soybeans are a legume. Legumes are high in protein. Some other legumes: beans, peas, alfalfa, clover, peanuts. And there are other plants that have protein too. Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, canteloupe, avocado, walnuts, potatos... etc.

  2. Soybeans contain the necessary amino acids that qualify it as a protein.

  3. That is a easy one. You are talking about  Isolates not the bean. This is where you get your 70%  plus efficiency.

    Soybeans are considered a "complete protein" source in that they provide all the essential amino acids for human nutrition but are the second most allergenic foods to humans after peanuts.

    As a comparison highly refined isolated soy protein has an average biological value of 71, which contrasts sharply with the biological value of whole soybeans at 96, soybean milk (91), whole eggs (97) and cow's milk (90) This is very important to you Burger and hot dog meat but more fat and less protein save a cow or chichen crowd.

  4. High is estrogen , not so good for men (man b***s)

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