
Why spain and portugal are not considered to be part of western Europe?

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whay they are in reality situated much more at west than France?




  1. I think that nowadays Portugal and Spain are considered to be part of "Western Europe".

  2. The idea of Southern Europe and Western Europe relative to your map is as much culture and religoun as it is about geography.

      Spain is a predominantly Catholic country. It's cuisine has much more in common with the other Mediterranean countries than the countries of Western Europe.

       At one point the King of Spain controlled an empire that included a great deal of central Europe, so these definitions are very loose, and they change over the centuries.

  3. Southern Europe, Latin Europe, Southwestern Europe, or Mediterranean Europe.  Spain is still the second largest country in Western Europe.

  4. Spain and Portugal *are* considered to be part of western Europe.

  5. I think that both countries are considered to be on the Iberian peninsula.  I don't have a map but I'm pretty sure that France & Spain are separated by the Peranees Mountains which actually makes it the furthest country to the west of the European continent. Check it out.  Correct me if I'm wrong...

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