
Why <span title="McCain/Palin??????????????????????">McCain/Palin?????????????...</span>

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i believe that you have to be an idiot to vote for mccain/palin. come on.. why palin? do you really think she'd be the best president if something happnes to mccain?

though they don't admit it, i think 70% of the people voting for mccain don't vote for obama just because he's black.




  1. that&#039;s exactly what I&#039;m asking. mccain his self is one heart attack away from dying, so really when you vote ur voting for palin as president, which she would do a terrible job at. shes not qualified, and she has all these family issues she has to deal with. i do think that there is a racism issue, because i look at it this way: what has mccain or palin done that makes them better than obama? like come on, honestly, who&#039;s ever heard of palin before she was elected to run for vice president, and why all of a sudden does everyone love her?

    what have they done that makes them so much better than obama?


    ( ~ 8*

  2. you are shallow.

    say something happens to McCain....doesn&#039;t she get to pick a VP? Couldn&#039;t she get someone with lots of &quot;experience&quot;?

    And do you think that person could be Obama? of course not, he brings NOTHING to the table.

  3. Sound like your a scared little liberal. If McCain Palin is so bad I think you&#039;d be happy about the Choice.

    Some much for that famous liberal tollerance you all keep telling people you belive in! Lear to respect others and their opinions if you want respect in return!

  4. I think you&#039;re voting for Obama because he IS black!

  5. I agree with you; and people need a reality check because obama isn&#039;t even full african american ..

  6. I really do think Palin is competent, and I like what she stands for.

    I don&#039;t care at all about Obama&#039;s skin color. I&#039;m a mutt myself, so why would it bother me? Most people I know are not one I know is racist...except for these 2 women I know who are voting for Obama b/c he is black.

  7. I think that it should not be a racist or women vs. man issue but about their records and politics that they practice. I wish that Obama was running with Palin that would be a great thing that this country needs a black man and a women! Can&#039;t we all just get along????????

  8. Obama has ZERO EXPERIENCE.

    And, he&#039;s a SOCIALIST.

    And, he went to a RACIST CHURCH for TWENTY YEARS.

    And, he has TERRORIST friends.

    And, he does business with FELONS.

    And, his foreign policy is proven again and again to be WRONG.

    So basically, the Republicans are by far the lesser of two evils.  AGAIN!

  9. its true....u also forgot to mention that some even think he&#039;s muslim!

    pretty sad

  10. Most Republicans and those leaning that way, fail to realize how much of a number they are in the scheme of things.  Anything to get elected.  No one will analyze exactly what she has done or likely will do based on her history.  I&#039;m not discouraged by her lack of experience, but I am discouraged by what she&#039;s done with her experience.  Truly, she is just another right wing nut case and there are an unending supply of others that will vote for her and feel sorry for how she&#039;s been abused by the media.

  11. National Security,

    National Pride (Proud to be an America)

    God Bless America.

    Drill baby, drill

    Designer babies are Hitlers idea -  all life is a gift!!!

    He son &amp; nefew are in the military in active duty.

    Love Alaska ... great state ... great resources ... great ppl.

    PALIN WALKS THE TALK --- that&#039;s refreshing!

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