
Why <span title="did........................?">did.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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I was going to take a vacation to New Mexico, and wanted to go to "The Beach" waterpark, but it was closed down. Does anybody know why it was closed down? Thanks!

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  1. The owners couldn&#039;t profit from it. The water wasn&#039;t heated and people weren&#039;t allowed to bring food, and to get into that it cost $20.

  2. It was closed down because of two things.

    1) the owners couldnt afford it, meaning not being able to gte good porfits.

    2) the owners couldnt keep it up.

  3. I like new mexico.

  4. Since when did New Mexico have a Beach?!?!?!

  5. The owners couldn&#039;t afford keeping it open so they had to close it down. People weren&#039;t coming because there were a lot of inconvenionces. ( dont know how to spell that.)

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