
Why start drilling for oil now, when it won't help us now? also...?

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why plant crops if they won't feed us today??? look at me!!!! democrat!! vote Obama!!! woooooo..




  1. why?

    because some is better than none.

  2. People should plan ahead more often.

    It is a skill which should be taught in schools.

  3. I heard a clip of Schumer 10 years ago saying that we shouldnt drill for oil because we wont see the effect in 10 years.  We really could have used that oil now!

  4. Why did the Saudi government say that there isn't any oil shortage and they would increase output if needed? Why did they say the high price is due to "speculators"? Why don't you demand that something be done about those speculators instead of putting your head in the sand and blaming everyone, but the true culprits?

    Do you see a gasoline shortage? Has your gas station turned anyone away because their tanks were empty?

    People are turning to the democrats because republicans, such as you, continue to push for nonsensical solutions to imaginary problems.

  5. Gimme... gimme

    I want it NOW!

  6. I always wondered that too.

    Why don't democrats think about the future?  Do they really enjoy when people suffer?  I guess so, because I see no other reason for stopping us from getting more of what we need.

    We know for a fact that we have trillions of barrels of oil in the Dakotas.  Why delay on drilling?  What good would that do?

    Speculators admit that if we announced tomorrow that we would finally lift the bans on domestic oil drilling the price of gas would drop like a rock even though it might take 5 years to see that oil.

    Now I'm a fan of speculators.  They're like gamblers and we need more forward thinking, adventurous people these days.  I'm sick of the pessimistic liberals who always see doom and gloom all around them.  They're depressing and backwards.

  7. Yes it will help prices now!

    Oil is priced for the future.

    Think of it this way:

    If I'm selling 100 rare collectible baseball cards, and I get down to my last 10 cards, would I not sell the last 10 for much more since they were the last of them? You'd have people coming left and right bidding higher and higher for that last one!

    Well, if we even get 1 foot hole started for oil, prices would drop dramatically instantly, because there would be more coming in in the future, it's not the last of it's kind, not that rare collectible object

  8. Kit –

    No, that’s the wrong analogy. You’re selling meth to addicts, not baseball cards. OK, so you reduce the price temporarily; all you’ve done is give addicts an excuse to delay seeking treatment.

  9. <----laughs ok.. looks like everyone who replied has failed your test...

    click here if you understand the word SARCASM

  10. Another example of why the voting age in this country should be raised to 25.  Young voters and first time voters don't have the foresight to see what's best for them in 4-8 years.  All they care about is RIGHT NOW.  Which is ironic.  It's that kind of thinking that got us into the mess we're already in.

  11. Why go to work today since I won't be paid for two weeks?

    wooooo indeed.......

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