
Why study history at lest 3 reason?

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and write about ur reason plz its homework help me fast




  1. Ask yourself how you got to this position? Sounds as you're pressured for time, unsure what to do and feel limited in your options. Has it happened before?

  2. 1. not to make mistakes we made in the past

    2. to noe how things go

    3. fasinating to find about the civilizations etc

  3. So that we don't repeat the mistakes of our past.

    To continue our high level of culture, without interruption.

    The third one is on you!

  4. 1. You can't truly understand your future till you know your past.

    2. History always Repeats it's self

    3. History is so Important!  

  5. You study History So that the mistakes of the past are not repeated, for example if Hitler has study history he would of known that Napoleon had failed in Russia because of the cold.

    Two we study history so we can repeat the victories of the past, for example the united states constitution was written by studying historical writings, from the Greeks and many different stages in post mid evil Europe.

    There we study history to Borden our horizon and expand out knowledge of a topic, for example physics can not be truly understood with out knowing a little about the history of Clac.    

  6. - To under how the past has shaped the modern age.

    - To understand the relationships between different countries (useful if you plan to become a diplomat or go into politics)

    - To see what how countries formed, then fell and hopefully not repeat those examples.

  7. If you study the history of languages and style you will understand why grammar and spelling are important and you will stop using message texting UNspelling then you will stand a much better chance of getting homework help!

    If you study history more you will learn to enjoy it.

    History is part of our heritage.

    Our heritage should be remembered.

    We must know the past to create the future!

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