
Why studying locally is better than studying abroad?

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Why studying locally is better than studying abroad?




  1. You don't have to stretch yourself, challenge yourself or be on your own. You can stay in a comfort zone.

  2. well i dont think it is..but some people might because you dont have to leave your job, r family, or anything.

  3. Well I guess I would have to disagree with that statement.  I would always prefer to study a broad.

  4. You won't have to learn a foreign language, which most AmeriKans think is not important.  Also, you won't have the reality shock of finding out what an inferior education you have had in AmeriKan schools when you see how far ahead of AmeriKa the schools in other countries are.... they don't graduate functional illiterates and that is ALL that comes out of the broken AmeriKan school system.

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