
Why stylists and not real fashion designers?

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Why do Fashion Stylist think they are real Fashions Designers?

There is this new show on cable. They have teams of stylist that compete to "style" people,( Whatever that mean? ). The guys are all g*y. And they just start fighting with each other like girls. Not women, put little girls.

I am a straight fashion designer. This stuff annoys me! It gives fuel to the stupid stereotype's. They have people judging them, with no qualifications in the biz. Just because you work for a women's magazine does not mean you know clothing and design, same thing for a actress and a g*y stylist who dresses like a freak!

If your g*y and take offense, tell me why? Don't just ****** slap my question. Tell me your theory and give me references, scientifically and so on. No stupid one liners, " g**s better".




  1. Hey Creative Genius:

    Fashion Stylists can think whatever they want.  Truth is, they're still only creating a look out of the cool stuff you guys design and make for them.  You have total control over their "looks" and trends.  

    The fact that they're g*y doesn't have any bearing on what they see in the market and what people are actually buying and are wearing.

    The judges are people who are there to be seen. They have their own agendas and don't necessarily represent the mainstream of cultured wearers of fashion clothing.  Take their opinions with a HUGE grain of salt.  The producers have chosen these people for their entertainment value. Period. If you think the g*y stylist looks like a clown, then they've succeeded. Don't you think? The sad part is, he doesn't even KNOW he is considered as such.

    Frankly, "Fashion" and "Stylists" are overrated.  People need to learn that true style is what looks good on you, fits well, doesn't show your rolls or bulges and that you are comfortable wearing anywhere.  

    The day is coming when you will be able to tell people's intelligence and education from what they wear.  If they look dumpy and unkempt, well, draw your own conclusions.  

    My daughter is a fashion design student and turns down these people ALL the time to participate. She won't compromise her style. Neither should you.

    Rock on!  Your designs will win out over anything they could possibly come up with in these ridiculous shows.  

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