Why do Fashion Stylist think they are real Fashions Designers?
There is this new show on cable. They have teams of stylist that compete to "style" people,( Whatever that mean? ). The guys are all g*y. And they just start fighting with each other like girls. Not women, put little girls.
I am a straight fashion designer. This stuff annoys me! It gives fuel to the stupid stereotype's. They have people judging them, with no qualifications in the biz. Just because you work for a women's magazine does not mean you know clothing and design, same thing for a actress and a g*y stylist who dresses like a freak!
If your g*y and take offense, tell me why? Don't just ****** slap my question. Tell me your theory and give me references, scientifically and so on. No stupid one liners, " g**s better".