
Why such horrible/vivid dreams?

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So for a coupld years now, I am continually having horrible dreams. Not like childhood, scarey monster dreams, but very upsetting dreams. I dream of people killing themselves, me being murdered or rapped, and/or me being tortured. I don't watch many scarey movies. I want to know what my dreams mean, or why I'm having such horrible dreams.




  1. I'm so sorry that you're experiencing that! That's terrible.

    Are you on any medications? Anti-depressants in particular are known for giving their takers very vivid and upsetting dreams. Other medications can do this as well. If this is the case, it may be time to switch medications.

    If not, ask yourself- what has changed in the past two years? Is there a situation that may be causing a greater amount of anxiety or stress than you had before? If you can pinpoint the variable, it may be easier to fix. Even the recognition of the cause of these dreams could possibly help them to go away.

  2. I know that this is weird but have u ever heard of ghost/spirits trying to contact u. It goes something like this to be in contact with ghost you have to raise you sensitives to high level and the spirit has to lower theres so ur on the same plane. When u dream u could raise ur sensitives and the spirits are reaching out to you through ur dreams.

  3. you're being haunted you have to bend the dream to your will, google lucid dreamer.

  4. You should try to go the doctor and just get checked up,

    often times the mind is trying to tell you something, so try to listen to it, this is especially the case when you actually see yourself dying, the mind may be trying to parallel this to some type of deadly advancement in your body

    But remember, this is not always true so I wouldn't stress about it, something else like a weird thought or just a weird sight may have triggered them

  5. dreams represent subconscious thoughts and reflect fears. from your dreams, i assume that you are afraid of rape, murder, suicide, and just being attacked in general. if these are recurring dreams, then maybe you should see a psychologist. if i were you, i would try to focus on why you're afraid of these things and lessen your fear. once you're unafraid, the dreams will stop.

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