I recently posted questions about the dollar dance and charity as part of you wedding day that got such strong and surprising reactions(most negative) that im thinking of building a project around it in the fall. (Ill spare you the boring details) so, I ask some of you, Why do you think people would have such strong feelings over the performance of a dollar dance( the dance where the guest give money to dance with the bride and groom. This is an option and no one is forced or pressured to participate all in fun) or over the money from it going to charity? I also found that some people have similar feelings about charity donations instead of traditional wedding favors (I was really confused by that one). Also if people fell that the dance is "tacky", 'offensive', or 'makes the couple look desperate' then why do they not feel the same about gifts. if its just about sharing a special day with you guest then why expect gifts? Historically they have the same symbolism.