
Why supporting children through tansition in their lives is important?

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how poor support affects childrens behaviour and development




  1. We all need support, but children especially because they are at a sensitive, vulnerable time in their lives. If they receive inadequate comfort it impairs their views of social relationships. More importantly if they do not have proper care it may cause them to feel insecure, sad, angry, and then have no one to talk to about the feelings and ask advice from.

  2. Transition say through divorce or going from one school to another, accepting a new child into the family etc. are all scary transitions.  They need self esteem then more than ever until they are comfortable in their new situation.

    The anxiety they will otherwise  experience can establish unacceptable behavior, health or emotional problems making life all the more complicated and difficult to endure.  

    It's always best to teach them how better to cope with stressors and they will become  happier more successful adults.  (...and they'll love you instead of resent you the rest of their lives.)

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