
Why swedish nation is very successful?

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The population of Sweden is small in comparison to other european countries. However it is among the biggest economies in europe. It produces cars , trucks, electronics, heavy equipment, cellular phones, etc..

I want to know how Swedish government achieved that with its limited natural resources?




  1. I think it's a combination of factors.

    Most important:

    Peace. Sweden managed to be spared the second world war, which cost the rest of Europe quite a lot. Sweden has had peace since the early 1800s.

    Much natural resources per capita. That never hurts. Unless other countries come and want to take it from you...

    A good system. Free education and social security lets everyone try their wings without risking too much misery if they fail.

    The following can play a small role:

    Secularism. Very few people in Sweden devote their lifes to religion.

    Lack of nationalism. This is probably caused by the long period of peace. It causes Swedish people to be good at foreign languages and to know much about other countries.

    These are things I DON'T think has to do with it:

    Saving money on defense. Sweden spends about 40 billion SEK on defense every year.


    Hardened by cold climate.

  2. Free education, rich on natural resources and the most multinational corporations per capita. Scandinavian countries in general are very succesful. Socialism with free market economy.

  3. Sweden has huge natural resources including iron and other minerals and woodland. It also has a network of waterways that produce hydroelectric power. In spite of it's wealth the cost of living is very high in Sweden thanks to high taxes. Like a lot of European socialist countries it spends little on Defence thinking it can rely on the US and Britain to do the dirty work if it comes under attack. Europe is full of countries that are well off because they spend money on massive welfare states rather than Defence.

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