
Why teenagers do not like healthy food?

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my son always do not eat healthy food like broccoli fruits... why is that so?




  1. 1)the diet in t heir toddler years must have exposed them to natural food on a regular basis and if a kid said no to a food it must still have been presented,

    its easier to eat a bag of chips than to cut up fruit

    its also trendier in the young to eat "fast food"  i bet the amount of advertising on fast food on tv is 10 times the fruit and health option

  2. buy the book on the link below, trust me its really great and you cant taste the vegetables in it. TRUST ME!


  3. because it tast like ****, let him be young and eat as much **** as he wants hes got another 10 year befor he gets into that diets and healthy eating c**p

  4. Its a little late to convince your son to eat the right foods.  Of course if you don't buy it he will have to get it another way and may not want to bother.  Make the good stuff easy to get and the bad stuff hard to aquire.

  5. That is the age when they feel independent and eat what they want. Junk food tastes better and they aren't worried about there health.

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