
Why teens aren't allowed to drink alcohol drinks?

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and how does driking effect their bodies?




  1. so they dont get drunk and ****** up

  2. Messes up there brains! and pluss drinking and driving. A person i know just died a teenager in a car crash. drunk driver.

    ---------------------DONT DRINK!!!-----------------------------

                  Peace out!

  3. A lot of teens are more mature than adults these days. (Ignorant responses by other people)

    The primary reason teens aren't allowed to drink alcoholic drinks are because your body doesn't stop developing until mid-20s. Drinking alcohol and any other drug before this can be harmful to your bodies development. In a very small dose, it's actually helpful because it teaches your body how to react to it. However, anything above that before your mid 20's is not good for your liver or your body at all.

  4. A lot of teens are the height and weight of an adult, so it is more about maturity.

    Teens tend to be simple-minded and prone to taking things too far. That is why a lot of them will get pregnant without even having a job or house (not thinking about who will pay for the expenses), while a lot of aristocrats making $500,000 a year refrain from starting a family because they don't feel ready.

    It's all about the maturity.

  5. Teens aren't allowed to drink alcohol because it is illegal and they aren't 21. Alcohol, if drunk in moderation, does not cause harm to your body. Teens are immature when it comes to alcohol and they drink to excess causing alcohol poisoning.

  6. The Effects of Alcohol Abuse

    Alcohol interferes with a person's perception of reality and ability to make good decisions. This can be particularly hazardous for kids and teens who have less problem-solving and decision-making experience.

    Short-term effects of drinking include:

    distorted vision, hearing, and coordination

    altered perceptions and emotions

    impaired judgment, which can lead to accidents, drowning, and other risky behaviors like unsafe s*x and drug use

    bad breath


    Long-term effects include:

    cirrhosis and cancer of the liver

    loss of appetite

    serious vitamin deficiencies

    stomach ailments

    heart and central nervous system damage

    memory loss

    an increased risk of impotence

    high risk for overdosing

    alcoholism or drug dependency

    Alcohol use is  often  linked to teen deaths by fires, drowning, homicides, suicides.and motor vehicular accidents, injuries.

    Alcohol and drug abuse is a leading cause of teen death.

    Teens who abuse alcohol are likely to have s*x.

    So, talk to you child about how alcohol affects.

    .her mind

    Although initially alcohol feels like a stimulant by making her feel more lively, it ultimately acts as a depressant and causes sedation and drowsiness. Alcohol slows down her ability to think, talk, react, and make decisions as she normally would. This can lead to poor choices and risky behavior.

    Alcohol impairs coordination, causes memory lapses, and slows reaction time.

    If she drinks enough to get alcohol poisoning, her brain slows down so much that she can slip into a coma or even die.5

    ...his body

    Alcohol can damage every organ in his body, including his brain. It can cause shrinkage. and liver damage.

    Alcohol increases his risk for a variety of life-threatening diseases, including cancer.; pancreatitis .

    Drinking can cause staggering, loss of balance, nausea and dimpression of room spinning. Drinking a lot at one time can lead to fainting, difficulty breathing, coma, and death.

    And because it affects coordination, if he is drinking-or is around people who are drinking-he has an increased risk of being seriously injured, involved in car crashes, or affected by violence.

    .her emotions

    Alcohol depresses her central nervous system, making her feel less inhibited and less in control. This can lead to risky behaviors she would not do if she were sober.

    Alcohol is a depressant, or downer, because it reduces brain activity for everyone. But, if she is already depressed before she starts drinking, alcohol can make her feel worse.

    Some people become addicted to alcohol-they feel like they need to drink more and more to feel "okay."

    Female bodies tend to absorb alcohol much faster than male  as they  contain less water.

    Remember, parents have more influence on their child's values and decisions about drinking before he or she begins to use alcohol. Talk to your child today.

  7. Because teens are immature and don't need to be drinking that's why.

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